

Silver 3 (50%)


7 / 15 games


6 / 10 games


0 / 2 games


1 / 3 games


Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Engineer [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 18:25
Date : 11/01/2023 23:42
Turn 1
action image Filou chose to copy role of DrTenma
action image Stellia used Fakekill
action image Cel killed Filou
action image Darkdevil reported Filou
Turn 2
action image Aymericooo repaired sabotage
action image DrTenma shielded itself
action image Whippeeeee used Spy's power
action image DrTenma shielded itself
action image Cel killed Encoton
action image DrTenma reported Encoton
Turn 3
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
action image Whippeeeee used Spy's power
action image DrTenma called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
action image DrTenma shielded itself
action image Whippeeeee used Spy's power
action image Cel killed Whippeeeee
action image DrTenma reported Whippeeeee
Turn 5
action image Cel failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Cel

Winners : Outlaw
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 17:44
Date : 11/01/2023 23:22
Turn 1
action image Cel chose to copy role of Whippeeeee
action image Aymericooo used Fakekill
Turn 2
action image Encoton used Spy's power
action image Filou called an emergency
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled Whippeeeee
action image Darkdevil called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Filou
action image Encoton used Spy's power
action image Stellia killed as Outlaw Darkdevil
action image DrTenma reported Darkdevil
Turn 5
action image Encoton used Spy's power
action image Cel killed itself as Sheriff
action image DrTenma reported Cel
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled DrTenma

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 04:42
Date : 11/01/2023 23:16
Turn 1
action image Darkdevil used Spy's power
action image Cel repaired sabotage
action image Aymericooo used Fakekill
action image Filou killed Stellia
action image Darkdevil reported Stellia
Turn 2
action image Filou failed a guess Filou
action image Encoton chose to copy role of Filou
action image Darkdevil used Spy's power
action image DrTenma killed as Sheriff Filou

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Mystic [8 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 16:18
Date : 11/01/2023 22:57
Turn 1
action image Whippeeeee used Fakekill
action image Cel killed Filou
action image DrTenma used Spy's power
action image Stellia reported Filou
Turn 2
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
action image Cel killed Encoton
action image Aymericooo shielded itself
action image DrTenma used Spy's power
action image Darkdevil chose to copy role of Aymericooo
action image Stellia reported Encoton
Turn 3
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
action image Cel killed Aymericooo
action image DrTenma used Spy's power
action image Cel called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Cel failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Cel
action image DrTenma used Spy's power
action image Darkdevil shielded itself
action image Stellia killed as Outlaw Whippeeeee
action image Darkdevil shielded itself
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Stellia

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Fake [6 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 10:01
Date : 11/01/2023 22:42
Turn 1
action image Filou chose to copy role of Encoton
action image DrTenma infected Filou
action image Cel killed Aymericooo
Turn 2
action image Encoton used Spy's power
action image DrTenma infected Loreleiii
action image DrTenma executed Loreleiii
action image Cel killed Encoton
action image Whippeeeee shielded itself
action image DrTenma infected Filou
action image Filou used Spy's power
action image DrTenma executed Filou
action image Whippeeeee reported Filou
Turn 3
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
action image Lobby exiled Darkdevil

Winners : Outlaw
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 19:49
Date : 11/01/2023 22:18
Turn 1
action image Whippeeeee chose to copy role of DrTenma
action image Darkdevil used Spy's power
action image Encoton infected Darkdevil
action image Encoton executed Darkdevil
Turn 2
action image Loreleiii failed a guess Loreleiii
action image Cel oiled DrTenma
action image Filou shielded itself
action image Cel oiled Stellia
action image Encoton infected DrTenma
action image Encoton executed DrTenma
action image Cel reported DrTenma
Turn 3
action image Loreleiii failed a guess Loreleiii
action image Cel oiled Loreleiii
action image Filou shielded itself
action image Encoton infected Whippeeeee
action image Encoton executed Whippeeeee
action image Filou shielded itself
action image Encoton infected Loreleiii
action image Encoton executed Loreleiii
action image Stellia reported Loreleiii
Turn 4
action image Cel oiled Stellia
action image Encoton infected Filou
action image Encoton executed Filou
action image Stellia called an emergency
Turn 5
action image Aymericooo killed as Outlaw Cel
action image Aymericooo reported Cel
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled Encoton

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Sheriff [5 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 09:25
Date : 11/01/2023 22:06
Turn 1
action image Stellia chose to copy role of DrTenma
action image Encoton reported Stellia
Turn 2
action image Loreleiii used Spy's power
action image Cel infected Loreleiii
action image Cel executed Loreleiii
Turn 3
action image Whippeeeee shielded itself
action image Cel infected DrTenma
action image Encoton used Fakekill
action image Cel executed DrTenma

Winners : Outlaw
Role :
Mystic [8 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 13:09
Date : 11/01/2023 21:48
Turn 1
action image Cel used Spy's power
action image Stellia chose to copy role of DrTenma
action image DrTenma stopped time
action image Stellia stopped time
action image Aymericooo reported DrTenma
Turn 2
action image Whippeeeee failed a guess Whippeeeee
action image Aymericooo shielded itself
action image Stellia stopped time
action image Aymericooo shielded itself
action image Aymericooo reported Encoton
Turn 3
action image Whippeeeee failed a guess Whippeeeee
action image Lobby exiled Whippeeeee
action image Stellia called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Aymericooo

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Timelord [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 11:37
Date : 11/01/2023 21:34
Turn 1
action image Whippeeeee used Spy's power
action image DrTenma used Fakekill
action image Stellia reported Aymericooo
Turn 2
action image Cel reported Whippeeeee
Turn 3
action image Darkdevil failed a guess Darkdevil
action image Cel killed as Sheriff Darkdevil
action image Encoton shielded itself

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Guardian [5 / 10]
Game : Ranked
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 20:15
Date : 26/12/2022 22:56
Turn 1
action image Cel used Spy's power
action image DrTenma killed MissAnge
action image Matux reported MissAnge
Turn 2
action image DrTenma scanned Matux
action image Cel used Spy's power
action image Matux used Fakekill
action image Encoton killed Erkaos
action image DrTenma reported Erkaos
Turn 3
action image Aymericooo shielded Stellia
action image Cel used Spy's power
action image Encoton killed Beniwan
action image DrTenma killed Cel
action image Stellia reported Cel
Turn 4
action image Encoton chose to super petrify DrTenma
action image Darkdevil repaired sabotage
action image Stellia got denied by shield
action image DrTenma transformed itself Matux
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Encoton
action image Stellia reported MonstiKee
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled DrTenma


Achievements (6)

achievement Crewmate
achievement Mayor
achievement Guardian
achievement TimeLord
achievement Angel
achievement Steam Beta Key

Various stats

Body reported

5 / 15 games

Emergency called

0 / 15 games


2 / 15 games


71 / 100 tasks


6 / 10 games


4 / 2 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Guardian

1 / 1 games

1. Engineer

1 / 1 games

1. Timelord

2 / 2 games

1. Mayor

1 / 1 games

2. Mystic

1 / 2 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Impostor

0 / 1 games

1. Basilisk

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Outlaw

1 / 1 games

2. Jester

0 / 2 games