

Silver 3 (10%)


23 / 48 games


18 / 33 games


1 / 7 games


4 / 8 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Bait [4 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 15:17
Date : 23/04/2023 00:15
Turn 1
action image Darkdevil killed grim
action image Whippeeeee created a warn area
action image Darkdevil became invisible
action image Calipso stopped time
action image Hearts reported grim
Meeting 1
action image Filou failed a guess Filou
Filou voted
Hearts voted Beniwan
action image Lobby exiled Darkdevil
Turn 2
action image Hearts shielded Whippeeeee
action image Hearts called an emergency
Meeting 2
Sbeaulieu voted
Beniwan voted
Filou voted Hearts
Hearts voted Beniwan
Turn 3
action image Whippeeeee created a warn area
action image Filou killed Beniwan
action image Whippeeeee reported Beniwan
Meeting 3
Sbeaulieu voted
Hearts voted
Turn 4
action image Whippeeeee got denied by shield
action image Filou killed Sbeaulieu
action image Filou reported Sbeaulieu
Meeting 4
action image Filou failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Filou

Winners : Arsonist
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 12:23
Date : 22/04/2023 23:56
Turn 1
action image Sbeaulieu shielded grim
action image grim created a warn area
action image Darkdevil stopped time
action image grim created a warn area
action image Calipso blocked a vent
action image Darkdevil stopped time
action image Whippeeeee became invisible
action image Filou oiled Beniwan
action image grim got denied by shield
action image Whippeeeee became invisible
action image Filou oiled grim
action image grim called an emergency
Meeting 1
grim voted
Filou voted
Calipso voted
Sbeaulieu voted
Beniwan voted
Turn 2
action image Beniwan infected Sbeaulieu
action image Filou oiled Calipso
action image Calipso blocked a vent
action image Beniwan executed Sbeaulieu
action image Hearts called an emergency
Meeting 2
Beniwan voted Filou
Hearts voted Beniwan
action image Lobby exiled Whippeeeee
Turn 3
action image Filou oiled Hearts
action image Filou burned all players

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Mayor [2 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 12:38
Date : 22/04/2023 23:39
Turn 1
action image Hearts blocked a vent
action image grim stopped time
action image Filou killed Beniwan
action image Hearts blocked a vent
action image grim reported Beniwan
Meeting 1
Darkdevil voted
Hearts voted
grim voted
Calipso voted
Filou voted
Sbeaulieu voted WX
Turn 2
action image Sbeaulieu infected WX
action image grim stopped time
action image Sbeaulieu executed WX
action image grim reported WX
Meeting 2
action image Filou guessed role of grim
action image Lobby exiled grim
Sbeaulieu voted
Calipso voted
Turn 3
action image Filou killed Hearts
action image Darkdevil reported Hearts
Meeting 3
action image Filou guessed role of Darkdevil
action image Lobby exiled Darkdevil

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 24:20
Date : 22/04/2023 23:10
Turn 1
action image Calipso created a warn area
action image Cel blocked a vent
action image Hearts stopped time
action image Cel blocked a vent
action image Sbeaulieu became invisible
action image Sbeaulieu killed Filou
action image WX reported Filou
Meeting 1
Hearts voted
Beniwan voted
WX voted Darkdevil
Cel voted
grim voted Beniwan
Darkdevil voted WX
Turn 2
action image Sbeaulieu killed grim
action image Sbeaulieu reported grim
Meeting 2
action image Whippeeeee failed a guess Whippeeeee
Darkdevil voted
Hearts voted
Cel voted
Turn 3
action image Calipso created a warn area
action image Beniwan called an emergency
Meeting 3
Whippeeeee voted
WX voted
Darkdevil voted WX
Hearts voted WX
Turn 4
action image Sbeaulieu became invisible
action image Hearts stopped time
action image Darkdevil oiled Cel
action image Calipso called an emergency
Meeting 4
action image Whippeeeee guessed role of Darkdevil
action image Lobby exiled Darkdevil
Hearts voted
Calipso voted
Whippeeeee voted
Beniwan voted
WX voted
Cel voted Whippeeeee
Sbeaulieu voted WX
Turn 5
action image Hearts stopped time
action image Sbeaulieu became invisible
action image Sbeaulieu killed Hearts
action image Beniwan reported Hearts
Meeting 5
WX voted Whippeeeee
Calipso voted Cel
action image Lobby exiled Beniwan
Turn 6
action image Warn area was activated

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 13:55
Date : 22/04/2023 22:52
Turn 1
action image Beniwan blocked a vent
action image Cel stopped time
action image Hearts oiled Calipso
action image WX created a warn area
action image Cel stopped time
action image Sbeaulieu called an emergency
Meeting 1
Darkdevil voted
Hearts voted
WX voted
Calipso voted
Whippeeeee voted
Turn 2
action image Calipso killed WX
action image Calipso became invisible
action image Cel reported WX
Meeting 2
Darkdevil voted
Hearts voted
Calipso voted
Whippeeeee voted
Turn 3
action image Cel stopped time
action image Hearts oiled Filou
action image Cel stopped time
action image Beniwan blocked a vent
action image Cel stopped time

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Timelord [9 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 21:22
Date : 22/04/2023 22:26
Turn 1
action image Filou blocked a vent
action image Darkdevil used Fakekill
action image Whippeeeee stopped time
action image Calipso called an emergency
Meeting 1
Darkdevil voted
Sbeaulieu voted
Whippeeeee voted
Calipso voted
WX voted
Beniwan voted
grim voted
Cel voted
Filou voted
Hearts voted
Turn 2
action image WX became invisible
action image Filou blocked a vent
action image Whippeeeee stopped time
action image WX killed Sbeaulieu
action image Cel infected Filou
action image Cel executed Filou
action image Beniwan reported Sbeaulieu
Meeting 2
Darkdevil voted
Calipso voted
WX voted
Beniwan voted
Hearts voted
Cel voted Calipso
Whippeeeee voted Cel
grim voted Hearts
Turn 3
action image Hearts created a warn area
action image Cel infected grim
action image Hearts created a warn area
action image WX killed Beniwan
action image WX became invisible
action image Cel executed grim
action image Darkdevil reported grim
Meeting 3
WX voted
Darkdevil voted WX
Calipso voted WX
Hearts voted WX
Whippeeeee voted Cel
action image Lobby exiled WX
Turn 4
action image Whippeeeee stopped time
action image Cel infected Calipso
action image Cel executed Calipso
action image Cel reported Calipso
Meeting 4
Cel voted
Hearts voted
Darkdevil voted Cel
Whippeeeee voted Cel
Turn 5
action image Whippeeeee stopped time
action image Cel infected Hearts
action image Cel executed Hearts
action image Darkdevil reported Hearts
Meeting 5
Cel voted Darkdevil
Whippeeeee voted Cel

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Nightwatch [7 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 14:35
Date : 22/04/2023 22:04
Turn 1
action image Calipso infected Sbeaulieu
action image Filou stopped time
action image Beniwan created a warn area
action image Calipso executed Sbeaulieu
action image Whippeeeee used Nightwatch's power
action image WX reported Sbeaulieu
Meeting 1
Darkdevil voted
Calipso voted
Whippeeeee voted
Cel voted
WX voted
Beniwan voted
grim voted Filou
Turn 2
action image Whippeeeee used Nightwatch's power
action image Beniwan created a warn area
action image Filou stopped time
action image Whippeeeee used Nightwatch's power
action image Filou stopped time
action image Calipso killed Filou
action image Warn area was activated
action image Calipso reported Filou
Meeting 2
action image Cel failed a guess Cel
Darkdevil voted
Calipso voted
WX voted Calipso
grim voted Calipso
Cel voted WX
Beniwan voted WX
Turn 3
action image WX oiled grim
action image grim killed as Sheriff WX
action image grim reported WX
Meeting 3
action image Cel guessed role of Beniwan
action image Lobby exiled Beniwan
grim voted Calipso
Darkdevil voted grim
Calipso voted grim
Cel voted grim
action image Lobby exiled grim

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Informant [1 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 09:12
Date : 22/04/2023 21:49
Turn 1
action image Calipso infected Cel
action image Whippeeeee checked identity of Filou
action image Calipso executed Cel
action image grim blocked a vent
action image Sbeaulieu killed WX
action image Beniwan reported Cel
Meeting 1
action image Sbeaulieu guessed role of Whippeeeee
action image Lobby exiled Whippeeeee
Darkdevil voted
Sbeaulieu voted
Calipso voted
grim voted
Turn 2
action image Sbeaulieu killed Filou
action image Beniwan reported Filou
Meeting 2
Darkdevil voted
grim voted Beniwan
action image Lobby exiled Beniwan

Winners : Jester
Role :
Builder [1 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 27:42
Date : 12/03/2023 22:51
Turn 1
action image Mirko used Spy's power
action image Kwak killed Filou
action image Whippeeeee blocked a vent
action image Snake stopped time
action image Mishëru reported Filou
Meeting 1
action image Sbeaulieu scanned Sabri
milk voted Grimmette
grim voted milk
Turn 2
action image Kwak killed Whippeeeee
action image Mirko used Spy's power
action image grim repaired sabotage
action image Sbeaulieu transformed itself Sabri
action image Snake stopped time
action image Sabri used Detective's power
action image Lormillon eat a body
action image Snake stopped time
action image Kwak killed Snake
action image Stellia reported Snake
Meeting 2
action image Stellia redirected all votes to Kwak
Stellia voted Kwak
grim voted Kwak
Mishëru voted Kwak
Sabri voted Kwak
Turn 3
action image milk killed as Sheriff Kwak
action image Kwak killed milk
action image Sbeaulieu reported milk
Meeting 3
grim voted Mishëru
Mirko voted Mishëru
Sabri voted Mishëru
Turn 4
action image Sabri used Detective's power
action image Mirko used Spy's power
action image Mishëru infected Sabri
action image Sbeaulieu killed Mirko
action image Mishëru executed Sabri
action image Mishëru reported Sabri
Meeting 4
grim voted Mishëru
Turn 5
action image Sbeaulieu killed Cel
action image grim reported Cel
Turn 6
action image Stellia called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Grimmette

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Dictator [1 / 12]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 23:40
Date : 12/03/2023 22:22
Turn 1
action image Sabri infected Whippeeeee
action image Sabri executed Whippeeeee
action image Captaine reported Whippeeeee
Meeting 1
Grimmette voted milk
Filou voted milk
Mishëru voted Kwak
grim voted Mishëru
Turn 2
action image Filou used Spy's power
action image milk repaired sabotage
action image Sabri infected milk
action image Sabri executed milk
action image grim blocked a vent
action image Mishëru reported milk
Meeting 2
Stellia voted Snake
grim voted Kwak
Mishëru voted Kwak
Mirko voted Filou
Filou voted Sabri
Captaine voted Sabri
Turn 3
action image grim blocked a vent
action image Mirko killed Mishëru
action image Filou used Spy's power
action image Sabri infected Captaine
action image Sabri executed Captaine
action image Lormillon used Detective's power
action image Grimmette reported Mishëru
Meeting 3
grim voted Sbeaulieu
Stellia voted Sabri
Kwak voted Sabri
Filou voted Sabri
Turn 4
action image grim blocked a vent
action image Mirko stopped time
action image Mirko killed Filou
action image Snake killed grim
action image Lormillon used Detective's power
action image Sabri reported Filou
Meeting 4
Stellia voted Sabri
Kwak voted Sabri
Turn 5
action image Mirko stopped time
action image Mirko killed Kwak
action image Lormillon used Detective's power
action image Lormillon reported Kwak
Meeting 5
Turn 6
action image Sabri infected Stellia
action image Lormillon used Detective's power
action image Mirko stopped time
action image Mirko killed Cel
action image Sabri executed Stellia
action image Sabri reported Stellia


Achievements (9)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Builder
achievement Guesser
achievement TimeLord
achievement Mentalist
achievement Lawkeeper
achievement Angel

Various stats

Body reported

10 / 48 games

Emergency called

0 / 48 games


9 / 48 games


178 / 320 tasks


15 / 33 games


11 / 7 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Engineer

3 / 3 games

1. Bait

4 / 4 games

2. Crewmate

2 / 3 games

2. Timelord

2 / 3 games

2. Spy

2 / 3 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Guesser

1 / 3 games

2. Vector

0 / 1 games

2. Scrambler

0 / 1 games

2. Ghost

0 / 1 games

2. Basilisk

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Mercenary

2 / 3 games

1. Copycat

2 / 3 games

2. Cupid

0 / 1 games

2. Jester

0 / 1 games