

Gold 2 (52%)


187 / 378 games


153 / 254 games


19 / 69 games


15 / 55 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [1 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Unknown
Duration : 01:09
Date : 02/08/2023 18:19
Turn 1

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 15:30
Date : 31/07/2023 22:43
Turn 1
action image LuRo28 tracked Loanna
action image Mimic chose to copy role of LuRo28
action image Oceanne created a warn area
action image KokoPops killed Yuyu
action image Cécé stopped time
action image LuRo28 reported Yuyu
Meeting 1
Vestibule voted
Cécé voted
Rondoudou voted
Loanna voted
Oceanne voted
KokoPops voted
LuRo28 voted LuRo28
Mimic voted Mimic
Turn 2
action image KokoPops killed Oceanne
action image Loanna shielded itself
action image Loanna reported Oceanne
Meeting 2
Vestibule voted
Cécé voted
Rondoudou voted
Loanna voted
KokoPops voted
LuRo28 voted LuRo28
Mimic voted LuRo28
Turn 3
action image Loanna reported Rondoudou
Meeting 3
Mimic voted LuRo28
LuRo28 voted Mimic
Loanna voted Mimic
action image Lobby exiled LuRo28
Turn 4
action image LuRo28 killed as Hunter in meeting Loanna

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 25:31
Date : 31/07/2023 22:15
Turn 1
action image Vestibule engraved a mark on Oceanne
action image Cécé chose to copy role of Yuyu
action image Yuyu tracked Mimic
action image Inja created a warn area
action image Rondoudou used Fakekill
action image Mimic stopped time
action image Inja created a warn area
action image LuRo28 killed Rondoudou
action image Mimic reported Rondoudou
Meeting 1
Stellia voted
LuRo28 voted
KokoPops voted
Loanna voted
Cécé voted
Inja voted LuRo28
action image Lobby exiled LuRo28
Turn 2
action image Stellia killed Inja
action image Stellia chose to prettify Cécé
action image Mimic stopped time
action image Stellia killed Mimic
action image Cécé reported Inja
Meeting 2
Yuyu voted
Loanna voted
Vestibule voted
Oceanne voted
Turn 3
action image Yuyu tracked Cécé
action image Oceanne repaired sabotage
action image Cécé called an emergency
Meeting 3
Yuyu voted OverBad
Loanna voted OverBad
Cécé voted OverBad
action image Lobby exiled OverBad
Turn 4
action image Stellia chose to prettify Oceanne
action image Oceanne reported Vestibule
Meeting 4
action image Vestibule engraved a mark on Stellia
action image The marks were activated
Stellia voted
KokoPops voted
Yuyu voted
Loanna voted Stellia
Cécé voted
Turn 5
action image Stellia killed Cécé
action image Stellia reported Cécé
Meeting 5
action image Loanna redirected all votes to Stellia
Yuyu voted Stellia
Loanna voted Stellia
action image Lobby exiled Stellia

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:11
Date : 31/07/2023 22:04
Turn 1
action image OverBad tracked Rondoudou
action image Rondoudou chose to copy role of Vestibule
action image Mimic killed Inja
action image Loanna engraved a mark on Yuyu
action image KokoPops repaired sabotage
action image Yuyu created a warn area
action image Stellia used Fakekill
action image Mimic killed Cécé
action image Mimic killed Yuyu
action image Loanna reported Rondoudou
Meeting 1
Mimic voted
LuRo28 voted
Vestibule voted
OverBad voted
Loanna voted
KokoPops voted
Turn 2
action image OverBad tracked Mimic
action image Mimic killed KokoPops

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Hunter [1 / 11]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 13:10
Date : 31/07/2023 21:46
Turn 1
action image Yuyu chose to copy role of Cécé
action image LuRo28 engraved a mark on OverBad
action image Mimic got recruited in culte OverBad
action image KokoPops killed LuRo28
action image Inja killed Stellia
action image Vestibule stopped time
action image OverBad reported LuRo28
Meeting 1
action image LuRo28 engraved a mark on Inja
action image The marks were activated
Rondoudou voted
Vestibule voted
Inja voted
Loanna voted
Yuyu voted KokoPops
Mimic voted KokoPops
Turn 2
action image OverBad created a warn area
action image Loanna killed as Sheriff KokoPops
action image Loanna reported KokoPops
Meeting 2
action image Mimic got recruited in culte Cécé
Rondoudou voted
Yuyu voted
Vestibule voted
Inja voted
Loanna voted
OverBad voted
Cécé voted Inja
Mimic voted Inja
Turn 3
action image OverBad created a warn area
action image Rondoudou shielded itself
action image Mimic called an emergency
Meeting 3
Vestibule voted
Loanna voted
Rondoudou voted Inja
Cécé voted Inja
Inja voted Inja
Mimic voted Inja
OverBad voted Inja
Yuyu voted Mimic
action image Lobby exiled Inja

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Leader [4 / 11]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 09:56
Date : 31/07/2023 21:32
Turn 1
action image Stellia engraved a mark on Loanna
action image Rondoudou chose to copy role of Cécé
action image Cécé created a warn area
action image Yuyu killed Vestibule
action image Cécé created a warn area
action image Rondoudou reported Vestibule
Meeting 1
action image LuRo28 redirected all votes to Yuyu
Yuyu voted
Loanna voted
Stellia voted Yuyu
Rondoudou voted Yuyu
Cécé voted Yuyu
Mimic voted Yuyu
OverBad voted Yuyu
Inja voted Yuyu
LuRo28 voted Yuyu
KokoPops voted Yuyu
action image Lobby exiled Yuyu
Turn 2
action image OverBad got recruited in culte Loanna
action image Cécé created a warn area
action image Loanna tracked KokoPops
action image OverBad got recruited in culte LuRo28
action image Inja shielded itself
action image KokoPops killed Stellia
action image Rondoudou reported Stellia
Meeting 2
action image Stellia engraved a mark on KokoPops
action image The marks were activated
OverBad voted
action image Lobby exiled KokoPops

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 00:19
Date : 09/07/2023 20:57

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [1 / 3]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 04:38
Date : 09/07/2023 20:51
Turn 1
action image Luna called an emergency
Meeting 1
Stellia voted
Wendigo voted
Luna voted
Nsh voted Nsh
Luna set_newrole Spirit
Turn 2
action image Nsh killed Luna
action image Stellia reported Luna
Meeting 2
Nsh voted
Wendigo voted Nsh
Turn 3
action image Nsh killed Wendigo

Winners : Impostors
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 02:26
Date : 09/07/2023 20:47
Turn 1
action image Stellia called an emergency
Meeting 1
Stellia voted
Luna voted
Wendigo voted
Nsh voted
Stellia set_newrole Barghest
Nsh set_newrole Spirit
Turn 2
action image Stellia killed Nsh
action image Stellia created a vent
action image Stellia used shadow power
action image Stellia killed Wendigo

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Spirit [0 / 3]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 03:16
Date : 09/07/2023 20:43
Turn 1
action image Luna blocked a vent
action image Wendigo killed Stellia
action image Luna reported Stellia
Meeting 1
Nsh voted
Wendigo voted
Luna voted
Nsh set_newrole Sheriff
Wendigo set_newrole Vector
Turn 2
action image Wendigo infected Nsh
action image Wendigo executed Nsh


Achievements (39)

achievement Good Loss Team
achievement AlphaTest
achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Love
achievement CopyCat
achievement Jester
achievement Assassin

Various stats

Body reported

106 / 378 games

Emergency called

30 / 378 games


64 / 378 games


1096 / 2397 tasks


136 / 254 games


146 / 69 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Supercrew

1 / 1 games

1. Nightwatch

1 / 1 games

1. Leader

2 / 2 games

1. Angel

1 / 1 games

2. Fake

6 / 7 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Barghest

3 / 5 games

1. Sorcerer

3 / 5 games

2. Superimpo

1 / 2 games

3. Guesser

3 / 7 games

4. Assassin

3 / 13 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Revenger

1 / 1 games

1. Survivor

1 / 1 games

2. Cupid

3 / 5 games

3. Copycat

4 / 8 games

4. Mercenary

2 / 5 games