



5 / 6 games


4 / 5 games


1 / 1 games


0 / 0 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Engineer [9 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 15:56
Date : 09/12/2022 23:02
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Dyson chose to copy role of Flo
action image Matronna got recruited in culte Pomme
action image Stellia stopped time
action image Matronna got recruited in culte TyRaW
action image Yuno killed Bugs Bunny
action image Yuno used shadow power
action image Stellia stopped time
Turn 2
action image Yuno created a vent
action image breizhion repaired sabotage
action image Swouitch tracked Stellia
action image Yuno killed Nyabo
action image Flo killed breizhion
action image Stellia stopped time
action image Pomme reported Nyabo
Turn 3
action image Stellia stopped time
action image Flo killed Swouitch
action image Swouitch killed as Hunter in round Stellia
action image Yuno created a vent
action image Pomme reported Stellia
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Dyson

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Sheriff [9 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 20:07
Date : 09/12/2022 22:38
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Matronna got recruited in culte breizhion
action image TyRaW chose to copy role of Matronna
action image Bugs Bunny used shadow power
action image Bugs Bunny created a vent
action image Pomme stopped time
Turn 2
action image Matronna got recruited in culte Pomme
action image Bugs Bunny created a vent
action image Stellia killed Nyabo
action image Stellia killed TyRaW
action image Pomme stopped time
Turn 3
action image Pomme stopped time
action image Bugs Bunny created a vent
action image breizhion reported Swouitch
Turn 4
action image Pomme stopped time
action image breizhion reported cyclone
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Bugs Bunny

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Engineer [8 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 17:09
Date : 09/12/2022 22:18
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Matronna tracked Pomme
action image Dyson killed Flo
action image Nyabo reported Flo
Turn 2
action image Dyson killed Yuno
action image cyclone reported Yuno
Turn 3
action image Swouitch chose to copy role of Nyabo
action image TyRaW created a vent
action image Dyson killed Nyabo
action image TyRaW killed Matronna
action image cyclone reported Matronna
Turn 4
action image TyRaW used shadow power
action image Swouitch killed as Sheriff TyRaW
action image breizhion repaired sabotage
action image Swouitch reported TyRaW
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Dyson

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Spirit [8 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 19:41
Date : 09/12/2022 21:55
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Yuno got recruited in culte TyRaW
action image Dyson chose to copy role of Stellia
action image TyRaW repaired sabotage
action image Bugs Bunny stopped time
action image Yuno got recruited in culte Swouitch
action image Stellia used shadow power
action image Bugs Bunny stopped time
action image Stellia created a vent
action image Flo killed Pomme
action image Stellia reported Pomme
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Flo
action image Bugs Bunny stopped time
action image Stellia created a vent
action image Stellia used shadow power
action image Stellia killed Yuno
action image Swouitch reported Yuno
Turn 3
action image Stellia used shadow power
action image Bugs Bunny stopped time
action image Matronna killed as Sheriff TyRaW
action image Stellia killed Nyabo
action image breizhion reported TyRaW
Turn 4
action image Stellia created a vent
action image Bugs Bunny stopped time
action image Stellia used shadow power
action image Stellia killed Dyson
action image breizhion reported Dyson
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Stellia

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 13:10
Date : 09/12/2022 21:39
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Matronna got recruited in culte TyRaW
action image Flo chose to copy role of breizhion
action image Stellia oiled TyRaW
action image Dyson stopped time
action image TyRaW killed itself as Sheriff
action image cyclone reported TyRaW
Turn 2
action image breizhion killed Pomme
action image Yuno tracked Nyabo
action image Stellia oiled Nyabo
action image Matronna got recruited in culte Nyabo
action image Swouitch reported Pomme
Turn 3
action image Swouitch reported Stellia
Turn 4
action image Bugs Bunny killed Flo
action image breizhion chose to prettify Matronna
action image breizhion killed Yuno

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Timelord [6 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 05:54
Date : 09/12/2022 21:25
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Bugs Bunny repaired sabotage
action image Flo killed Dyson
action image cyclone reported Dyson
Turn 2
action image Stellia tracked Flo
action image Matronna got recruited in culte TyRaW
action image Flo created a vent
action image Matronna got recruited in culte cyclone
action image cyclone killed as Sheriff Flo


Achievements (5)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Sheriff
achievement Engineer
achievement Spirit

Various stats

Body reported

5 / 6 games

Emergency called

0 / 6 games


0 / 6 games


40 / 45 tasks


1 / 5 games


4 / 1 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Sheriff

1 / 1 games

1. Timelord

1 / 1 games

1. Spirit

1 / 1 games

2. Engineer

1 / 2 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Basilisk

1 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles