



29 / 43 games


22 / 30 games


2 / 5 games


5 / 8 games


Winners : Impostors
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 09:09
Date : 22/02/2024 21:16
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image DesWorld killed VENZ
action image sk used camouflage power
action image sk killed Shuredinga
action image sk killed Pchelovic
action image Шизо reported VENZ
Meeting 1
sk voted
Шизо voted sk
Ran1doM voted sk
action image Lobby exiled sk
Turn 2
action image Ran1doM reported Шизо

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 10:27
Date : 22/02/2024 21:01
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image VENZ chose to copy role of DesWorld
action image Шизо infected Cartsoon
Meeting 1
Шизо voted
Cartsoon voted sk
VENZ voted sk
DesWorld voted sk
Shuredinga voted sk
Ran1doM voted sk
sk voted sk
Pchelovic voted sk
action image Lobby exiled sk
Turn 2
action image DesWorld tracked Шизо
action image Pchelovic stopped time
action image DesWorld called an emergency
Meeting 2
Cartsoon voted
DesWorld voted
Шизо voted
Shuredinga voted
Pchelovic voted
Turn 3
action image Pchelovic stopped time
action image Шизо infected Shuredinga
action image Шизо executed Shuredinga
action image Шизо reported Shuredinga
Meeting 3
DesWorld voted
VENZ voted Шизо
action image Lobby exiled Шизо

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Bait [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 10:21
Date : 22/02/2024 20:45
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image VENZ shielded DesWorld
action image Cartsoon got recruited in culte sk
action image sk created a warn area
action image АхмедСБЭУ used camouflage power
action image Cartsoon got recruited in culte DesWorld
action image sk created a warn area
action image АхмедСБЭУ used camouflage power
action image Cartsoon reported Ran1doM
Meeting 1
Cartsoon voted
Shuredinga voted
DesWorld voted
sk voted
HLSTRM voted
Turn 2
action image HLSTRM killed DesWorld
action image sk created a warn area
action image Cartsoon reported DesWorld
Meeting 2
HLSTRM voted
sk voted HLSTRM
action image Lobby exiled HLSTRM
Turn 3
action image Shuredinga killed as Hunter in round Cartsoon
action image АхмедСБЭУ used camouflage power
action image Шизо reported Cartsoon

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Leader [1 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 00:40
Date : 22/02/2024 20:40
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image sk engraved a mark on VENZ
action image Shuredinga killed sk

Winners : Crewmates , Lover
Role :
Dictator [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 20:49
Date : 22/02/2024 20:19
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image DesWorld called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image DesWorld called an emergency as Mayor
action image Cartsoon chose as lover DesWorld
action image Cartsoon chose as lover Шизо
Cartsoon voted
Шизо voted
Ran1doM voted
DesWorld voted
Shuredinga voted
sk voted
VENZ voted DesWorld
Turn 2
action image Шизо activated admin colors
action image Shuredinga used shadow power
Meeting 2
Шизо voted
DesWorld voted
Shuredinga voted
sk voted
Turn 3
action image Shuredinga used shadow power
Meeting 3
Шизо voted
DesWorld voted
sk voted
Turn 4
action image Шизо activated admin colors
action image Shuredinga used shadow power
action image Shuredinga killed sk
action image Shuredinga used shadow power
action image Шизо reported sk
Meeting 4
Шизо voted VENZ
Ran1doM voted VENZ
DesWorld voted VENZ
VENZ voted DesWorld
action image Lobby exiled VENZ
Turn 5
action image Шизо reported Ran1doM
Meeting 5
Shuredinga voted
action image Lobby exiled Shuredinga

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [3 / 11]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 19:41
Date : 19/11/2023 23:02
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Шизо tracked GideoN
action image Shuredinga created a warn area
action image DesWorld killed sk
action image GideoN called an emergency
Meeting 1
Cartsoon voted
Shuredinga voted
DesWorld voted
Шизо voted
pcs voted
GideoN voted
Ran1doM voted
Donaldinio voted
Turn 2
action image Shuredinga created a warn area
action image Cartsoon used Sentinel's power
action image Shuredinga created a warn area
action image Shuredinga reported Ran1doM
Turn 3
action image Cartsoon called an emergency
Meeting 3
pcs voted DesWorld
GideoN voted GideoN
action image Lobby exiled GideoN
Turn 4
action image Шизо tracked Cartsoon
action image DesWorld killed pcs
action image Shuredinga reported pcs
Meeting 4
Shuredinga voted
DesWorld voted
Donaldinio voted
Turn 5
action image Donaldinio checked identity of DesWorld
action image Cartsoon used Sentinel's power
action image Donaldinio called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled DesWorld

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Engineer [2 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 09:10
Date : 19/11/2023 22:49
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image GideoN used Spy's power
action image Shuredinga engraved a mark on Cartsoon
action image DesWorld shielded GideoN
action image sk repaired sabotage
action image Ran1doM chose to copy role of АхмедСБЭУ
action image DesWorld reported Shuredinga
Meeting 1
action image Shuredinga engraved a mark on pcs
action image The marks were activated
pcs voted Cartsoon
Cartsoon voted pcs
DesWorld voted pcs
action image Lobby exiled pcs
Turn 2
action image GideoN used Spy's power
action image GideoN called an emergency
Ran1doM voted GideoN
action image Lobby exiled GideoN
Turn 3
action image Cartsoon killed Ran1doM

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Spirit [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger
Duration : 17:05
Date : 19/11/2023 22:30
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cartsoon chose to copy role of Shuredinga
action image GideoN used Detective's power
action image Шизо used shadow power
action image GideoN reported Cartsoon
Turn 2
action image Donaldinio shielded GideoN
action image GideoN used Detective's power
action image Шизо killed pcs
action image Ran1doM repaired sabotage
action image Шизо reported pcs
Meeting 2
GideoN voted
Donaldinio voted
sk voted
DesWorld voted
Ran1doM voted sk
Шизо voted sk
Turn 3
action image GideoN used Detective's power
action image Ran1doM repaired sabotage
action image GideoN called an emergency
Meeting 3
GideoN voted
Donaldinio voted
sk voted
DesWorld voted
Ran1doM voted sk
Шизо voted sk
Turn 4
action image Шизо used shadow power
action image GideoN used Detective's power
action image Ran1doM repaired sabotage
action image Donaldinio reported DesWorld
Meeting 4
GideoN voted
Donaldinio voted
sk voted
Ran1doM voted sk
Шизо voted sk

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Mentalist [4 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 09:44
Date : 19/11/2023 21:46
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image sk activated admin colors
action image Cartsoon tracked GideoN
action image DesWorld chose as target GideoN
action image GideoN killed Cartsoon
action image DesWorld chose as target sk
action image АхмедСБЭУ transformed itself sk
action image Shuredinga reported pcs
Meeting 1
DesWorld voted
Шизо voted
sk voted Shuredinga
action image Lobby exiled Шизо
Turn 2
action image sk activated admin colors
action image Donaldinio called an emergency
Meeting 2
Donaldinio voted
sk voted
Turn 3
action image sk activated admin colors
action image DesWorld chose as target АхмедСБЭУ
action image sk called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Shuredinga
Turn 4
action image sk activated admin colors
action image АхмедСБЭУ transformed itself sk

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 20:45
Date : 19/11/2023 21:22
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cartsoon called an emergency
Meeting 1
Cartsoon voted
Илумс voted
pcs voted
sk voted
Шизо voted
GideoN voted
Donaldinio voted
DesWorld voted
Shuredinga voted
Turn 2
action image GideoN called an emergency
Meeting 2
Cartsoon voted
Илумс voted
pcs voted
sk voted
Шизо voted
Turn 3
action image pcs engraved a mark on Cartsoon
action image DesWorld repaired sabotage
action image Cartsoon created a warn area
action image Шизо chose as target GideoN
action image Илумс killed sk
action image GideoN reported sk
Meeting 3
Cartsoon voted
pcs voted
Donaldinio voted
DesWorld voted
GideoN voted pcs
Turn 4
action image Cartsoon created a warn area
action image DesWorld reported GideoN
action image Lobby exiled Илумс
Turn 5
action image Cartsoon created a warn area
action image Shuredinga killed pcs
action image Warn area was activated
action image DesWorld repaired sabotage
action image Cartsoon reported pcs
Meeting 5
action image pcs engraved a mark on Shuredinga
action image The marks were activated
Turn 6
action image Cartsoon called an emergency
Meeting 6
action image Lobby exiled Shuredinga


Achievements (2)

achievement Crewmate
achievement Spirit

Various stats

Body reported

6 / 43 games

Emergency called

3 / 43 games


8 / 43 games


153 / 262 tasks


14 / 30 games


8 / 5 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 5 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Guardian

1 / 1 games

1. Spirit

1 / 1 games

1. Detective

1 / 1 games

1. Bait

2 / 2 games

1. Dictator

1 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Scrambler

1 / 1 games

2. Impostor

1 / 2 games

3. Morphling

0 / 2 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Revenger

1 / 1 games

1. Cultist

1 / 1 games

1. Jester

2 / 2 games

2. Copycat

1 / 2 games

3. Eater

0 / 1 games