



119 / 188 games


107 / 136 games


8 / 38 games


4 / 14 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Engineer [6 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 06:31
Date : 15/10/2023 21:59
Turn 1
action image Matux used Sentinel's power
action image Mano killed rems
action image Matux used Sentinel's power
action image DrAndross reported rems
Meeting 1
Spoinf voted
Chadora voted
f voted DrAndross
Emy voted Matux
Moa voted Matux
Mano voted Matux
Matux voted Spoinf
action image Lobby exiled Matux
Turn 2
action image f shielded DrAndross
action image Chadora shielded itself
action image Moa killed Spoinf
action image Mano killed Emy
action image Chadora shielded itself
action image DrAndross got denied by shield
action image Moa killed DrAndross

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Engineer [4 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:22
Date : 15/10/2023 21:50
Turn 1
action image Moa used Sentinel's power
action image f shielded DrAndross
action image rems created a warn area
action image DrAndross killed Asman
action image f reported Asman
Meeting 1
DrAndross voted
Chadora voted
f voted
Spoinf voted
Emy voted DrAndross
Mano voted DrAndross
rems voted DrAndross
Moa voted Chadora
action image Lobby exiled DrAndross
Turn 2
action image Moa used Sentinel's power
action image Matux tracked f
action image Emy killed rems
action image Moa used Sentinel's power
action image Emy became invisible
action image Mano reported rems
Meeting 2
Matux voted Emy
f voted Emy
Moa voted Emy
Mano voted Emy
Spoinf voted Emy
Emy voted Mano
Chadora voted Mano
action image Lobby exiled Emy

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Hunter [3 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 07:36
Date : 15/10/2023 21:41
Turn 1
action image Spoinf tracked Emy
action image rems used Sentinel's power
action image Asman used camouflage power
action image Asman killed DrAndross
action image f reported DrAndross
Meeting 1
action image Emy failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Emy
Matux voted
f voted
Asman voted
rems voted f
Spoinf voted rems
Moa voted Spoinf
Turn 2
action image Spoinf tracked rems
action image Moa shielded itself
action image rems used Sentinel's power
action image Asman killed Moa
action image Asman used camouflage power
action image Asman killed f
action image Spoinf reported Moa
Meeting 2
Chadora voted
Asman voted Mano
Matux voted Asman
Mano voted Asman
rems voted Asman
Spoinf voted Asman
action image Lobby exiled Asman

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mayor [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 09:46
Date : 15/10/2023 21:31
Turn 1
action image rems chose to super petrify Matux
action image DrAndross created a warn area
action image Matux shielded Chadora
action image DrAndross created a warn area
action image Moa used Sentinel's power
action image Mano created a vent
action image Mano used shadow power
action image Moa used Sentinel's power
action image Mano killed Moa
action image Emy reported Moa
Meeting 1
action image f redirected all votes to Mano
Emy voted Mano
DrAndross voted Mano
rems voted Mano
Spoinf voted Mano
Asman voted Mano
Chadora voted Mano
Mano voted Mano
f voted Mano
action image Lobby exiled Mano
Turn 2
action image rems killed Emy
action image Spoinf reported Emy
Meeting 2
DrAndross voted
Matux voted
rems voted
Spoinf voted
Asman voted
Chadora voted
f voted

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mystic [4 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:19
Date : 15/10/2023 21:24
Turn 1
action image DrAndross created a warn area
action image Matux became invisible
action image rems killed DrAndross
action image Spoinf reported DrAndross
Meeting 1
action image rems guessed role of Moa
action image Lobby exiled Moa
action image rems failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled rems
Emy voted rems
Chadora voted rems
Mano voted rems
Asman voted rems
Matux voted rems
Spoinf voted rems
Turn 2
action image Spoinf shielded itself
action image Matux killed Chadora
action image Warn area was activated
action image Asman reported Chadora
Meeting 2
action image Asman redirected all votes to Matux
Emy voted Matux
Mano voted Matux
Asman voted Matux
Matux voted Matux
Spoinf voted Matux
action image Lobby exiled Matux

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Bait [0 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:28
Date : 15/10/2023 21:19
Turn 1
action image Asman tracked Mano
action image Spoinf created a warn area
action image Moa used camouflage power
action image Mano killed DrAndross
action image Moa killed Asman
action image Emy repaired sabotage
action image Moa used camouflage power
action image Emy reported DrAndross
Meeting 1
Moa voted
Emy voted Moa
Matux voted Moa
rems voted Moa
Spoinf voted Moa
Chadora voted Moa
action image Lobby exiled Moa

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Dictator [1 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 03:20
Date : 15/10/2023 21:15
Turn 1
action image rems used Sentinel's power
action image Emy killed Chadora
action image Mano created a warn area
action image Emy chose to super petrify rems
action image rems reported Chadora
Meeting 1
action image Spoinf redirected all votes to Emy
Emy voted Emy
f voted Emy
Asman voted Emy
Matux voted Emy
Moa voted Emy
Spoinf voted Emy
DrAndross voted Emy
Mano voted Emy
action image Lobby exiled Emy

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mayor [2 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 15:56
Date : 13/08/2023 21:46
Turn 1
action image Asman supershielded Emy
action image DrAndross created a warn area
action image Emy got denied by shield
action image Emy got denied by supershield
action image Stitchou used Sentinel's power
action image Weasley became invisible
action image DrAndross created a warn area
action image Ronald killed Spoinf
action image Stitchou used Sentinel's power
action image Basä reported Spoinf
Meeting 1
f voted
Weasley voted
Ronald voted
Matux voted Ronald
Nsh voted Ronald
Emy voted Ronald
Asman voted Ronald
Basä voted Ronald
action image Lobby exiled Ronald
Turn 2
action image Stitchou used Sentinel's power
action image Weasley killed Matux
action image Asman reported Matux
Meeting 2
DrAndross voted
Stitchou voted
f voted
Basä voted
Emy voted Weasley
Weasley voted Nsh
Nsh voted Nsh
Asman voted Nsh
Turn 3
action image Emy got denied by shield
action image Emy got denied by supershield
action image Stitchou used Sentinel's power
action image Weasley killed f
action image Emy reported f
Meeting 3
Stitchou voted
Nsh voted
Asman voted
Emy voted Stitchou
Basä voted Stitchou
Weasley voted Nsh
Turn 4
action image Weasley killed Nsh
action image Stitchou used Sentinel's power
action image Warn area was activated
action image Asman reported DrAndross
Meeting 4
Emy voted Weasley
Asman voted Weasley
Basä voted Weasley
action image Lobby exiled Weasley

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Sentinel [9 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 20:35
Date : 13/08/2023 21:24
Turn 1
action image Spoinf used Sentinel's power
action image f tracked Asman
action image DrAndross became invisible
action image Weasley created a warn area
action image Stitchou killed Ronald
action image Basä reported Ronald
Meeting 1
Stitchou voted
Nsh voted
Weasley voted
Emy voted
Basä voted
f voted
Asman voted
Matux voted Basä
Turn 2
action image Weasley created a warn area
action image DrAndross became invisible
action image Nsh shielded itself
action image Spoinf used Sentinel's power
action image DrAndross killed Basä
action image Nsh shielded itself
action image Asman reported Basä
Meeting 2
Stitchou voted
Weasley voted
f voted
Nsh voted Stitchou
Asman voted Matux
Matux voted Weasley
Emy voted Weasley
Turn 3
action image Asman repaired sabotage
action image Stitchou killed Asman
action image Spoinf used Sentinel's power
action image Matux reported Asman
Meeting 3
action image Stitchou failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Stitchou
f voted
Matux voted Stitchou
Nsh voted Stitchou
Turn 4
action image f tracked Spoinf
action image Nsh shielded itself
action image DrAndross killed Spoinf
action image f tracked Matux
action image Nsh reported Spoinf
Meeting 4
DrAndross voted
Matux voted
Nsh voted f
Weasley voted f
Emy voted f
Turn 5
action image Nsh shielded itself
action image DrAndross became invisible
action image DrAndross killed Matux
action image DrAndross reported Weasley
Meeting 5
f voted
DrAndross voted f
Nsh voted f
Emy voted f
action image Lobby exiled f
Turn 6
action image Nsh shielded itself
action image DrAndross killed Emy

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Engineer [2 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:41
Date : 13/08/2023 21:14
Turn 1
action image f shielded Spoinf
action image Emy used Sentinel's power
action image Basä killed f
action image Asman killed Matux
action image Asman killed Emy
action image Stitchou reported Matux
Meeting 1
Basä voted
Asman voted
Stitchou voted Asman
Nsh voted Asman
Ronald voted Asman
Spoinf voted Asman
action image Lobby exiled Asman
Turn 2
action image Nsh tracked Weasley
action image Stitchou shielded itself
action image Basä killed Ronald
action image Spoinf reported Ronald
Meeting 2
Basä voted
Stitchou voted Basä
Nsh voted Basä
Spoinf voted Basä
Weasley voted Nsh
action image Lobby exiled Basä

Achievements (20)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Jester
achievement Sheriff
achievement Builder
achievement Ghost
achievement Guesser
achievement Dictator

Various stats

Body reported

29 / 188 games

Emergency called

16 / 188 games


25 / 188 games


746 / 1310 tasks


63 / 136 games


61 / 38 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Nightwatch

1 / 1 games

1. Bait

1 / 1 games

1. Dictator

2 / 2 games

1. Lawkeeper

5 / 5 games

2. Builder

10 / 11 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Sorcerer

1 / 1 games

2. Guesser

3 / 6 games

3. Assassin

2 / 10 games

3. Ghost

1 / 5 games

4. Basilisk

1 / 8 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Eater

1 / 2 games

1. Outlaw

1 / 2 games

2. Jester

2 / 6 games

3. Cupid

0 / 1 games

3. Arsonist

0 / 3 games