



2 / 6 games


1 / 1 games


0 / 2 games


1 / 3 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 11:22
Date : 08/06/2024 23:00
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Andybonbon killed V
action image SohanaMD created a warn area
action image Okamiko reported V
Meeting 1
Qui voted SohanaMD
action image Lobby exiled SohanaMD
Turn 2
action image Qui called an emergency
Meeting 2
Qui voted Okamiko
Andybonbon voted Qui
Turn 3
action image Okamiko called an emergency
Meeting 3
Qui voted Okamiko
Okamiko voted Qui
action image Lobby exiled Okamiko

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Guardian [2 / 11]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 05:11
Date : 08/06/2024 22:53
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image SetoLumi shielded Okamiko
action image V killed NyxElune
action image OkaSohaJTM reported NyxElune
Meeting 1
Okamiko voted
OkaSohaJTM voted
Andybonbon voted
SetoLumi voted
V voted
Turn 2
action image V killed Andybonbon
action image Qui killed as Sheriff SohanaMD
action image V killed OkaSohaJTM
action image Okamiko reported OkaSohaJTM
Meeting 2
V voted
Qui voted Okamiko
Okamiko voted V
SetoLumi voted V
action image Lobby exiled V

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 11:21
Date : 08/06/2024 22:39
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image SetoLumi chose to copy role of Okamiko
action image Okamiko got recruited in culte NyxElune
action image V oiled SetoLumi
action image Okamiko got recruited in culte OkaSohaJTM
action image SohanaMD scanned V
action image SohanaMD killed V
action image Okamiko reported V
Meeting 1
Andybonbon voted
Qui voted OkaSohaJTM
Turn 2
action image SohanaMD transformed itself V
action image Andybonbon infected NyxElune
action image Andybonbon executed NyxElune
action image Okamiko reported NyxElune
Meeting 2
Qui voted SohanaMD
OkaSohaJTM voted Qui
action image Lobby exiled SohanaMD
Turn 3
action image Okamiko reported OkaSohaJTM
Meeting 3
Qui voted Okamiko
Okamiko voted Qui
action image Lobby exiled Okamiko

Winners : Cursed
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 11:31
Date : 08/06/2024 22:24
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Qui infected V
action image Qui executed V
action image Qui reported V
Meeting 1
NyxElune voted
OkaSohaJTM voted
nico suki voted
Ikyojinx voted
Qui voted
Andybonbon voted
Okamiko voted
SetoLumi voted
Turn 2
action image nico suki chose to copy role of Qui
action image SetoLumi scanned Okamiko
action image Qui infected NyxElune
action image Qui executed NyxElune
action image SetoLumi transformed itself Okamiko
action image Qui infected Okamiko
action image Qui executed Okamiko
action image Qui infected nico suki
action image Qui executed nico suki
Meeting 2
Ikyojinx voted
Qui voted
Turn 3
action image SetoLumi transformed itself Okamiko
action image Qui infected OkaSohaJTM
Ikyojinx fullcurse

Winners : Eater
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 08:35
Date : 08/06/2024 22:11
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Okamiko shielded OkaSohaJTM
action image Qui created a warn area
action image Ikyojinx reported NyxElune
Meeting 1
nico suki voted
Andybonbon voted
OkaSohaJTM voted
Okamiko voted
V voted nico suki
SetoLumi voted V
HappyDunut voted V
Ikyojinx voted V
Qui voted V
Turn 2
action image SetoLumi killed Qui
action image SohanaMD reported Qui
Meeting 2
V voted SetoLumi
SetoLumi voted V
HappyDunut voted V
Ikyojinx voted V
action image Lobby exiled SetoLumi
Turn 3
action image V eat a body

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 07:31
Date : 08/06/2024 21:48
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image SetoLumi chose to copy role of SohanaMD
action image Sealgard created a warn area
action image Ikyojinx got recruited in culte nico suki
action image V killed xBan
action image Ikyojinx reported xBan
Meeting 1
nico suki voted
HappyDunut voted
Okamiko voted
V voted
SetoLumi voted
Sealgard voted V
Ikyojinx voted V
Turn 2
action image Ikyojinx got recruited in culte Sealgard
action image V killed Okamiko
action image Sealgard created a warn area
action image HappyDunut reported Okamiko
Meeting 2
V voted
nico suki voted V
HappyDunut voted V
Sealgard voted V
Ikyojinx voted V
SetoLumi voted V
action image Lobby exiled V


Various stats

Body reported

0 / 6 games

Emergency called

0 / 6 games


1 / 6 games


2 / 11 tasks


2 / 1 games


2 / 2 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Guardian

1 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Impostor

0 / 1 games

1. Morphling

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Copycat

1 / 2 games

2. Cultist

0 / 1 games