



38 / 87 games


19 / 35 games


8 / 18 games


11 / 34 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 10:27
Date : 10/08/2024 21:40
Turn 1
action image Susventer chose as target Lmao121
action image Shaaf Dad used Sentinel's power
action image Susventer chose as target not atif
action image not atif reported Susventer
Meeting 1
Lmao121 voted
Sharuken voted
not atif voted
Turn 2
action image Lmao121 checked identity of the ibster
action image Shaaf Dad used Sentinel's power
action image Lmao121 called an emergency
Meeting 2
Lmao121 voted
not atif voted
action image Lobby exiled not atif
Turn 3
action image Shaaf Dad used Sentinel's power
action image haglover killed as Sheriff Sharuken
action image Gabimaru chose to prettify haglover
action image Shaaf Dad reported Sharuken
Meeting 3
Lmao121 voted
Shaaf Dad voted
Turn 4
action image Shaaf Dad used Sentinel's power

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 02:47
Date : 10/08/2024 21:36
Turn 1
action image Sharuken reported Shaaf Dad
Meeting 1
action image Lmao121 attempted to redirect all votes to Sharuken
Lmao121 voted
Gabimaru voted
Susventer voted
action image Lobby exiled Lmao121
Turn 2
action image the ibster used Fakekill

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 01:03
Date : 10/08/2024 21:34
Turn 1
action image Lmao121 used camouflage power
action image Shaaf Dad stopped time
action image haglover used Fakekill
action image Sharuken reported haglover

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Mayor [0 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:40
Date : 10/08/2024 21:26
Turn 1
action image Shaaf Dad infected Lmao121
action image Shaaf Dad executed Lmao121
action image Sharuken eat a body
Meeting 1
action image not atif redirected all votes to the ibster
action image the ibster failed a guess the ibster
action image Lobby exiled the ibster
Turn 2
action image Shaaf Dad infected not atif
action image Shaaf Dad executed not atif
action image Susventer reported not atif
Meeting 2
action image Lobby exiled haglover

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:15
Date : 10/08/2024 21:21
Turn 1
action image haglover chose as target Gabimaru
action image haglover chose as target not atif
action image Lmao121 used Detective's power
action image Shaaf Dad used Fakekill
action image haglover chose as target Susventer
action image the ibster transformed itself Lmao121
action image Lmao121 used Detective's power
action image the ibster reported haglover
Meeting 1
the ibster voted
action image Lobby exiled Lmao121

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 01:16
Date : 10/08/2024 21:18
Turn 1
action image the ibster killed itself as Sheriff
action image Lmao121 reported the ibster

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:49
Date : 10/08/2024 21:07
Turn 1
action image shayan1233 used Fakekill
action image Shaaf Dad used camouflage power
action image shayan1233 reported haglover
Meeting 1
action image Susventer chose as lover not atif
action image Susventer chose as lover shayan1233
action image the ibster redirected all votes to Shaaf Dad
not atif voted
action image Lobby exiled Shaaf Dad
Turn 2
action image the ibster called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled not atif
Turn 3
action image shayan1233 died because he was in love with not atif
action image the ibster called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Lmao121 killed itself as Sheriff
action image the ibster reported Lmao121
Meeting 4
action image Lobby exiled Susventer

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Sheriff [0 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 05:44
Date : 10/08/2024 21:01
Turn 1
action image the ibster called an emergency
Meeting 1
Lmao121 voted
Gabimaru voted
haglover voted
not atif voted
Sharuken voted
Turn 2
action image Gabimaru became an Impostor
action image Susventer killed as Sheriff not atif
action image Lmao121 used Detective's power
action image Lmao121 reported not atif
action image Lobby exiled shayan1233
Turn 3
action image the ibster chose as target Shaaf Dad
action image Susventer killed as Sheriff Gabimaru
Meeting 3
Lmao121 voted
Shaaf Dad voted
Susventer voted
Turn 4
action image Susventer killed as Sheriff Shaaf Dad

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:45
Date : 10/08/2024 20:54
Turn 1
action image the ibster chose as target haglover
action image shayan1233 used Sentinel's power
action image not atif reported haglover
Meeting 1
action image not atif chose as lover Shaaf Dad
action image not atif chose as lover shayan1233
action image Sharuken failed a guess Sharuken
action image Shaaf Dad redirected all votes to Sharuken
Gabimaru voted
action image Lobby exiled Sharuken
Turn 2
action image shayan1233 used Sentinel's power
action image the ibster chose as target not atif
action image Susventer used camouflage power
action image Lmao121 used Detective's power
action image Lobby exiled Susventer

Winners : Jester
Role :
Informant [3 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 07:37
Date : 10/08/2024 20:41
Turn 1
action image the ibster chose to copy role of Lmao121
action image Lmao121 used camouflage power
action image Lmao121 reported haglover
Meeting 1
Sharuken voted
shayan1233 voted
Gabimaru voted
not atif voted
Lmao121 voted
Turn 2
action image Susventer checked identity of shayan1233
action image shayan1233 transformed itself haglover
action image Susventer called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled shayan1233
Turn 3
action image Gabimaru killed itself as Sheriff
action image Lobby exiled not atif


Various stats

Body reported

4 / 87 games

Emergency called

7 / 87 games


12 / 87 games


48 / 235 tasks


14 / 35 games


15 / 18 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Crewmate

1 / 1 games

1. Hunter

1 / 1 games

1. Spy

2 / 2 games

1. Bait

1 / 1 games

1. Builder

1 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Assassin

1 / 1 games

1. Sorcerer

2 / 2 games

2. Vector

3 / 5 games

3. Guesser

1 / 2 games

3. Basilisk

1 / 2 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Mercenary

2 / 2 games

1. Survivor

2 / 2 games

2. Revenger

1 / 2 games

3. Jester

2 / 6 games

4. Copycat

2 / 7 games