



19 / 33 games


14 / 24 games


0 / 1 games


5 / 8 games


Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Bait [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 03:50
Date : 20/08/2023 21:28
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Parker used Detective's power
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Parker used Detective's power
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Peacy killed iRISHMAN

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Engineer [1 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 03:03
Date : 20/08/2023 21:22
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Peacy scanned Falabella
action image Parker chose as target Lu
action image Peacy killed Parker
action image Peacy transformed itself Falabella
action image Lu shielded Falabella
action image Peacy killed Lu
action image Krambi reported Lu
Meeting 1
Peacy voted
Krambi voted Peacy
iRISHMAN voted Peacy
action image Lobby exiled Peacy

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Detective [1 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 15:12
Date : 20/08/2023 21:03
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu used Nightwatch's power
action image Spitfire killed Krambi
action image Lu reported Krambi
Meeting 1
Spitfire voted
iRISHMAN voted
Falabella voted
Lu voted Falabella
Turn 2
action image Spitfire killed Parker
action image Spitfire reported Parker
Meeting 2
Spitfire voted
Peacy voted Lu
Falabella voted
Lu voted Peacy
iRISHMAN voted Peacy
Turn 3
action image Lu used Nightwatch's power
action image Spitfire killed Lu
action image Spitfire killed Peacy
action image iRISHMAN repaired sabotage
action image Falabella reported Lu
Meeting 3
Falabella voted
Turn 4

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Detective [6 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 07:59
Date : 20/08/2023 20:50
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Peacy scanned iRISHMAN
action image iRISHMAN created a warn area
action image Spitfire used Nightwatch's power
action image iRISHMAN created a warn area
action image Peacy transformed itself iRISHMAN
action image Peacy killed Spitfire
action image Krambi reported Spitfire
Meeting 1
iRISHMAN voted
Parker voted Krambi
Lu voted Peacy
Peacy voted iRISHMAN
action image Lobby exiled iRISHMAN
Turn 2
action image Peacy killed Lu
action image viking reported Lu
Meeting 2
Parker voted Krambi
Peacy voted Krambi
viking voted Krambi
Krambi voted Parker
action image Lobby exiled Krambi
Turn 3
action image Peacy killed Parker

Winners : Cursed
Role :
Bait [3 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 11:19
Date : 20/08/2023 20:37
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Parker repaired sabotage
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Lu used Detective's power
action image viking used camouflage power
action image iRISHMAN killed itself as Sheriff
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Spitfire reported iRISHMAN
Meeting 1
Lu voted
Krambi voted
viking voted
Peacy voted
Spitfire voted
Turn 2
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Lu used Detective's power
action image Spitfire called an emergency
Meeting 2
Parker voted
Peacy voted
Lu voted Krambi
Turn 3
action image Lu used Detective's power
action image viking killed Parker
action image Krambi reported Parker
Meeting 3
Peacy voted
Lu voted Krambi
viking voted Krambi
Krambi voted viking
action image Lobby exiled Krambi
Turn 4
Peacy fullcurse

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Nightwatch [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 12:02
Date : 20/08/2023 20:18
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu scanned iRISHMAN
action image Lu transformed itself iRISHMAN
action image Peacy repaired sabotage
action image Lu transformed itself iRISHMAN
action image Krambi called an emergency
Meeting 1
Lu voted
Krambi voted
Peacy voted
Falabella voted
Parker voted
viking voted
iRISHMAN voted
Turn 2
action image Lu transformed itself iRISHMAN
action image Lu killed Falabella
action image viking called an emergency
Meeting 2
Peacy voted
Lu voted Peacy
Krambi voted Peacy
Parker voted Peacy
viking voted Peacy
action image Lobby exiled Peacy
Turn 3
action image Parker killed as Sheriff iRISHMAN
action image Parker reported iRISHMAN
Meeting 3
viking voted
Parker voted Krambi
Lu voted Parker
Krambi voted Parker
action image Lobby exiled Parker

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Bait [5 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 08:08
Date : 20/08/2023 20:09
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Krambi reported iRISHMAN
Meeting 1
Lu voted
Falabella voted
Krambi voted
viking voted Lu
Peacy voted Parker
Turn 2
action image Falabella killed viking
action image Peacy reported viking
Meeting 2
Peacy voted
Lu voted Krambi
Turn 3
action image Falabella killed Lu
action image Krambi created a warn area
action image Falabella became invisible
action image Krambi reported Lu
Meeting 3
Parker voted Krambi
Peacy voted Krambi
action image Lobby exiled Krambi
Turn 4
action image Parker called an emergency
Meeting 4
action image Lobby exiled Falabella

Winners : Eater
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 02:24
Date : 30/07/2023 23:59
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image iRISHMAN became invisible
action image Krambi eat a body
action image iRISHMAN became invisible
action image Krambi eat a body
action image Parker became an Impostor
action image Parker killed iRISHMAN
action image Parker reported iRISHMAN

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover , Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 08:14
Date : 30/07/2023 23:47
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Peacy used Nightwatch's power
action image Lu killed Parker
action image Lu became invisible
action image Falabella tracked Peacy
action image Krambi reported Parker
Meeting 1
action image iRISHMAN chose as lover Falabella
action image iRISHMAN chose as lover Lu
Krambi voted
Falabella voted
Peacy voted Peacy

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Guardian [2 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 03:23
Date : 30/07/2023 23:42
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Krambi shielded iRISHMAN
action image Parker used camouflage power
action image iRISHMAN got denied by shield
action image Parker used camouflage power
action image Lu reported PalaDinaHD
Meeting 1
Peacy voted
iRISHMAN voted
Parker voted Krambi
Lu voted Parker
Krambi voted Parker
action image Lobby exiled Parker


Various stats

Body reported

11 / 33 games

Emergency called

3 / 33 games


5 / 33 games


87 / 165 tasks


8 / 24 games


3 / 1 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Engineer

2 / 2 games

1. Hunter

2 / 2 games

1. Nightwatch

1 / 1 games

2. Bait

2 / 3 games

3. Guardian

1 / 2 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Ghost

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Survivor

1 / 1 games

1. Cupid

1 / 1 games

1. Cultist

1 / 1 games

1. Outlaw

1 / 1 games

2. Eater

1 / 3 games