



13 / 34 games


9 / 18 games


1 / 3 games


3 / 13 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 11:54
Date : 03/11/2023 23:24
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Dusia chose as target Larry
action image Dream Kill used Sentinel's power
action image Sarmuna reported Dream Kill
Meeting 1
Sarmuna voted
Zwyrek voted
Azmadan voted
KornelNO voted
Dusia voted
Larry voted
Ayako voted KornelNO
Ackoz voted Ackoz
Turn 2
action image Wargen shielded itself
action image Azmadan killed Ackoz
action image Zwyrek killed itself as Sheriff
action image Dusia reported Zwyrek
Meeting 2
Sarmuna voted
Larry voted
KornelNO voted Ayako
Wargen voted Dusia
Azmadan voted Dusia
Turn 3
action image Azmadan killed Dusia
action image Ayako killed Larry
action image Sarmuna reported Dusia
Meeting 3
Azmadan voted
Sarmuna voted Ayako
Turn 4
action image Wargen shielded itself
action image Ayako killed Wargen

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Sheriff [6 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 08:38
Date : 03/11/2023 23:14
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sarmuna scanned Larry
action image Larry chose to copy role of Ayako
action image KornelNO repaired sabotage
action image Wargen found first rune
action image Wargen killed Zwyrek
action image Ayako reported Zwyrek
Meeting 1
Dream Kill voted
Sarmuna voted
Larry voted
Dusia voted
Wargen voted
Azmadan voted Ayako
Ayako voted Larry
Ackoz voted Larry
Turn 2
action image Dusia killed as Sheriff Wargen
action image Dusia reported Wargen
Meeting 2
Dream Kill voted
Ayako voted
Larry voted
KornelNO voted
Dusia voted
Ackoz voted Ayako
Sarmuna voted Dusia
Azmadan voted Dusia
Turn 3
action image Ackoz shielded itself
action image Sarmuna transformed itself Larry
action image Sarmuna killed Azmadan
action image Ackoz called an emergency
Meeting 3
Sarmuna voted Ayako
Ayako voted Ayako
Larry voted Ayako
Ackoz voted Ayako
Dusia voted Ayako
KornelNO voted Larry
action image Lobby exiled Ayako
Turn 4
action image Ackoz shielded itself
action image Sarmuna transformed itself Larry
action image Sarmuna killed Ackoz
action image KornelNO reported Ackoz
Meeting 4
Larry voted
Dusia voted
Sarmuna voted Larry
KornelNO voted Larry

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Timelord [5 / 5]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 05:46
Date : 03/11/2023 23:07
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sarmuna shielded Zwyrek
action image KornelNO chose as target Azmadan
action image Wargen killed KornelNO
action image Dream Kill became invisible
action image Larry reported KornelNO
Meeting 1
Dream Kill voted
Sarmuna voted
Larry voted
Zwyrek voted
Ackoz voted
Ayako voted
Wargen voted
Azmadan voted Dusia
Turn 2
action image Azmadan shielded itself
action image Dream Kill became invisible
action image Dream Kill killed Ayako

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 07:45
Date : 03/11/2023 22:58
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Ackoz shielded KornelNO
action image Ayako killed Dusia
action image Larry scanned Dream Kill
action image Zwyrek reported Dusia
Meeting 1
Dream Kill voted
KornelNO voted
Ayako voted
Sarmuna voted
Larry voted
Azmadan voted
Zwyrek voted Zwyrek
Wargen voted Zwyrek
action image Dusia chose as lover KornelNO
action image Dusia chose as lover Wargen
Turn 2
action image Larry transformed itself Dream Kill
action image Sarmuna chose as target Dream Kill
action image Larry killed Wargen
action image Ayako killed Zwyrek
action image Ackoz reported Wargen
Meeting 2
Sarmuna voted Ackoz
Larry voted Ackoz
Azmadan voted Ackoz
action image Lobby exiled Ackoz
Turn 3
action image Larry killed Ayako
action image Sarmuna reported Ayako
Meeting 3
Sarmuna voted Larry
Larry voted Larry
Azmadan voted Larry
action image Lobby exiled Larry

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover , Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 08:14
Date : 15/10/2023 00:43
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Dusia chose to copy role of Mulu
action image Mulu killed Dusia
action image Mulu became invisible
action image Sebciom used Sentinel's power
action image Mulu reported bialaMoc
Meeting 1
action image Ackoz chose as lover Destro
action image Ackoz chose as lover Dream Kill
Dream Kill voted
Zwyrek voted Mulu
Ackoz voted Mulu
Destro voted Mulu
Mulu voted Zwyrek
Marcix voted Zwyrek
action image Lobby exiled Mulu
Turn 2
action image Zwyrek shielded itself
action image Dream Kill found first rune
action image Destro reported Marcix
Meeting 2
Destro voted
Ackoz voted Zwyrek
action image Lobby exiled Zwyrek

Winners : Crewmates , Lover , Impostors
Role :
Sentinel [4 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 07:17
Date : 15/10/2023 00:35
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Mulu chose to copy role of Dusia
action image Ackoz killed bialaMoc
action image Ackoz became invisible
action image Dream Kill reported bialaMoc
Meeting 1
action image Zwyrek chose as lover Ackoz
action image Zwyrek chose as lover Destro
Dream Kill voted
Mulu voted
Zwyrek voted
Dusia voted
Ackoz voted
Azmadan voted
Destro voted
Marcix voted Ackoz
Turn 2
action image Ackoz killed Zwyrek
action image Destro shielded itself
action image Sebciom killed Dusia
action image Sebciom used camouflage power
action image Dream Kill reported Dusia
Meeting 2
Mulu voted
Azmadan voted
Destro voted Sebciom
Marcix voted Azmadan
action image Lobby exiled Azmadan
Turn 3
action image Mulu used Sentinel's power
action image Ackoz became invisible
action image Sebciom killed Marcix
action image Sebciom used camouflage power
action image Ackoz killed Dream Kill

Winners : Crewmates , Lover
Role :
Timelord [6 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 10:45
Date : 15/10/2023 00:23
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Zwyrek shielded Dusia
action image Marcix killed Sebciom
action image Ayako became an Impostor
action image Ayako killed Dream Kill
action image Destro repaired sabotage
action image Ayako reported Dream Kill
Meeting 1
Dusia voted
Marcix voted
Ayako voted
bialaMoc voted
Mulu voted
Destro voted Marcix
Zwyrek voted Ayako
Ackoz voted Ayako
Azmadan voted Ayako
action image bialaMoc chose as lover Azmadan
action image bialaMoc chose as lover Ackoz
Turn 2
action image Marcix killed bialaMoc
action image Azmadan shielded itself
action image Azmadan reported bialaMoc
Meeting 2
Dusia voted
Ayako voted
Azmadan voted
Mulu voted
Destro voted Marcix
Zwyrek voted Ayako
Ackoz voted Ayako
Marcix voted Zwyrek
Turn 3
action image Azmadan shielded itself
action image Mulu infected Ackoz
action image Ackoz called an emergency
Meeting 3
Dusia voted
Ayako voted
Azmadan voted
Mulu voted
Zwyrek voted Ayako
Ackoz voted Ayako
Marcix voted Zwyrek
Destro voted Azmadan
Turn 4
action image Azmadan shielded itself

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 09:39
Date : 15/10/2023 00:11
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Dusia scanned Sebciom
action image bialaMoc shielded Destro
action image Sebciom chose to copy role of Ackoz
action image Ackoz killed itself as Sheriff
action image bialaMoc reported Ackoz
Meeting 1
Azmadan voted
Ayako voted Marcix
Turn 2
action image Ziba66 shielded itself
action image Destro got denied by shield
action image ZOLWIK chose as target Destro
action image Ayako used Sentinel's power
action image Dream Kill repaired sabotage
action image Destro got denied by shield
action image ZOLWIK chose as target Destro
action image Ayako used Sentinel's power
action image ZOLWIK chose as target Sebciom
action image Destro killed Zwyrek
action image Ayako used Sentinel's power
action image Marcix reported Zwyrek
Meeting 2
Azmadan voted Marcix
Dusia voted Marcix
ZOLWIK voted Marcix
Sebciom voted Marcix
action image Lobby exiled Marcix
Turn 3
action image Ayako used Sentinel's power
action image Sebciom killed itself as Sheriff
action image bialaMoc reported Sebciom
Meeting 3
Dream Kill voted
bialaMoc voted
Dusia voted
ZOLWIK voted
Ziba66 voted
Ayako voted
Azmadan voted Dusia
Turn 4
action image Dusia killed ZOLWIK
action image bialaMoc reported ZOLWIK
Meeting 4
Dream Kill voted
bialaMoc voted
Dusia voted
Ziba66 voted
Ayako voted

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Fake [6 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 10:47
Date : 14/10/2023 23:58
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image ZOLWIK chose to copy role of bialaMoc
action image bialaMoc scanned ZOLWIK
action image bialaMoc killed ZOLWIK
action image DJinn killed Dream Kill
action image Zwyrek reported ZOLWIK
Meeting 1
Dusia voted
DJinn voted
Ziba66 voted
bialaMoc voted
Azmadan voted
Ackoz voted
Marcix voted
Zwyrek voted
Ayako voted Marcix
Destro voted Marcix
Sebciom voted Marcix
action image Dream Kill chose as lover Ayako
action image Dream Kill chose as lover bialaMoc
Turn 2
action image Ziba66 used Sentinel's power
action image Marcix killed itself as Sheriff
action image Zwyrek shielded Dusia
action image Sebciom reported Marcix
Meeting 2
Dusia voted
Azmadan voted
Ziba66 voted Destro
Sebciom voted Destro
Zwyrek voted Destro
Ayako voted Sebciom
DJinn voted Sebciom
Ackoz voted Sebciom
Destro voted Sebciom
action image Lobby exiled Sebciom
Turn 3
action image Azmadan blocked a vent
action image DJinn killed Azmadan
action image Ayako repaired sabotage
action image bialaMoc transformed itself ZOLWIK
action image bialaMoc scanned Ackoz
action image DJinn chose to super petrify Destro
action image DJinn killed Zwyrek
action image Ayako reported Azmadan
Meeting 3
Dusia voted Ayako
Ackoz voted Ayako
Ayako voted Ackoz
DJinn voted Ackoz
Ziba66 voted Ackoz
bialaMoc voted Ackoz
action image Lobby exiled Ackoz
Turn 4
action image bialaMoc transformed itself Ackoz
action image DJinn killed Ayako
action image DJinn chose to prettify Ziba66
action image Dusia reported bialaMoc
Meeting 4
Dusia voted DJinn
Destro voted DJinn
DJinn voted Destro
action image Lobby exiled DJinn

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 08:36
Date : 14/10/2023 23:48
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image DJinn reported Sebciom
Meeting 1
action image ZOLWIK chose as lover Mits
action image ZOLWIK chose as lover Marcix
Dream Kill voted
shishi voted
Dusia voted
Marcix voted
Ayako voted
Mits voted Mits
action image Lobby exiled Dream Kill
Turn 2
action image Mits blocked a vent
action image Zwyrek used Sentinel's power
action image shishi infected Ayako
action image Ayako called an emergency
Meeting 2
shishi voted
Ackoz voted
Dusia voted shishi
Marcix voted shishi
ZOLWIK voted shishi
Mits voted shishi
Ayako voted shishi
Azmadan voted shishi
Ziba66 voted shishi
Zwyrek voted shishi
DJinn voted shishi
Destro voted shishi
action image Lobby exiled shishi
Turn 3
action image Ackoz chose to copy role of Ayako
action image Ayako shielded Destro
action image Zwyrek used Sentinel's power
action image Destro killed as Outlaw DJinn
action image Marcix shielded itself
action image Marcix reported DJinn
Meeting 3
Ayako voted Marcix
Azmadan voted Marcix
Destro voted Marcix
Ackoz voted Ayako
Dusia voted Destro
Marcix voted Destro
ZOLWIK voted Destro
Mits voted Destro
Ziba66 voted Destro
Zwyrek voted Destro
action image Lobby exiled Destro


Achievements (13)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Sheriff
achievement Mercenary
achievement Builder
achievement Ghost
achievement Mayor
achievement Engineer

Various stats

Body reported

11 / 34 games

Emergency called

0 / 34 games


4 / 34 games


82 / 122 tasks


18 / 18 games


6 / 3 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 6 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Mayor

1 / 1 games

1. Mentalist

1 / 1 games

1. Fake

1 / 1 games

2. Timelord

2 / 3 games

3. Sheriff

1 / 2 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Ghost

1 / 1 games

2. Morphling

0 / 1 games

2. Scrambler

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Copycat

2 / 2 games

2. Mercenary

1 / 3 games

3. Revenger

0 / 1 games

3. Cupid

0 / 3 games

3. Jester

0 / 1 games