



3 / 5 games


1 / 2 games


1 / 1 games


1 / 2 games


Winners : Arsonist
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:27
Date : 04/03/2023 22:08
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Anne blocked a vent
action image Marie chose as target Anne
action image noob activated admin colors
action image Phül oiled MichiEla
action image Marie chose as target Daniel
action image Phül oiled Nils
action image Marie chose as target Phül
action image MichiEla killed noob
action image Phül oiled Anne
action image MichiEla reported noob
Meeting 1
Anne voted MichiEla
Turn 2
action image Phül oiled Daniel
action image Phül oiled Marie
action image Phül burned all players

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Bait [4 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 15:30
Date : 04/03/2023 21:48
Mod : Challenger
win Anne | Guardian
win MichiEla | Mayor
win Daniel | Revenger
Marie | Cupid
Nils | Sorcerer
Turn 1
action image Anne shielded Marie
action image Daniel chose as target Phül
action image Phül created a warn area
action image noob activated admin colors
action image Nils found first rune
action image Phül created a warn area
action image Nils found second rune
action image Nils found third rune
action image Daniel chose as target Nils
action image Nils destroyed admin table
action image Nils killed noob
action image MichiEla called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image Marie chose as lover Anne
action image Marie chose as lover Nils
Nils voted Phül
MichiEla voted Phül
Anne voted Phül
action image Lobby exiled Phül
Turn 2
action image Nils found fourth rune
action image Daniel chose as target Nils
action image Nils killed MichiEla
action image Marie reported MichiEla
Meeting 2
Daniel voted Nils
Marie voted Daniel
Nils voted Marie
Anne voted Marie
action image Lobby exiled Marie
Turn 3
action image Daniel called an emergency
Meeting 3
Daniel voted Nils
Anne voted Nils
Nils voted Daniel
action image Lobby exiled Nils
Turn 4
action image Anne died because he was in love with Nils

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 09:30
Date : 04/03/2023 21:28
Mod : Challenger
Daniel | Spirit
MichiEla | Builder
Marie | Dictator
Nils | Copycat
noob | Eater
Turn 1
action image Nils chose to copy role of Anne
action image MichiEla blocked a vent
action image Phül created a vent
action image Phül used shadow power
action image Anne checked identity of noob
action image Phül killed Nils
action image Phül reported Nils
Meeting 1
Anne voted Phül
Turn 2
action image Phül used shadow power
action image Phül killed Daniel
action image Phül reported Daniel
Meeting 2
MichiEla voted Marie
Anne voted Marie
Phül voted Anne
Marie voted Phül
action image Lobby exiled Marie
Turn 3
action image Phül created a vent
action image Phül used shadow power
action image Phül killed Anne

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:55
Date : 04/03/2023 21:17
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Anne activated admin colors
action image MichiEla chose to copy role of noob
action image Daniel killed Phül
action image Phül used Fakekill
action image Nils reported Phül
Turn 2
action image Nils used Detective's power
action image Daniel killed MichiEla
action image noob stopped time
action image noob reported MichiEla
Meeting 2
noob voted Daniel
Nils voted Daniel
Anne voted Daniel
action image Lobby exiled Daniel

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Sentinel [6 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 17:10
Date : 04/03/2023 20:47
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Marie chose to copy role of Phül
action image noob tracked Phül
action image MichiEla activated admin colors
action image Daniel blocked a vent
action image Anne scanned Marie
action image Daniel called an emergency
Meeting 1
Anne voted Phül
Daniel voted Phül
Marie voted noob
Nils voted MichiEla
noob voted Daniel
Turn 2
action image Anne killed Nils
action image noob reported Nils
Meeting 2
Anne voted Phül
Daniel voted noob
Marie voted noob
Turn 3
action image Phül used Sentinel's power
action image Anne transformed itself Marie
action image Anne killed MichiEla
action image Daniel reported MichiEla
Meeting 3
Marie voted noob
noob voted Marie
Anne voted Marie
Daniel voted Marie
action image Lobby exiled Marie
Turn 4
action image Phül used Sentinel's power
action image Anne transformed itself Marie
action image Anne scanned noob
action image Phül used Sentinel's power
action image Anne transformed itself noob
action image Phül used Sentinel's power
action image Anne transformed itself noob
action image Anne killed Daniel
action image noob called an emergency
Meeting 4
Phül voted noob
Anne voted noob
noob voted Anne
action image Lobby exiled noob
Turn 5
action image noob killed as Hunter in meeting Phül


Various stats

Body reported

2 / 5 games

Emergency called

0 / 5 games


1 / 5 games


10 / 16 tasks


1 / 2 games


3 / 1 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 2 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Bait

1 / 1 games

2. Sentinel

0 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Barghest

1 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Arsonist

1 / 1 games

2. Jester

0 / 1 games