



2 / 5 games


2 / 4 games


0 / 0 games


0 / 1 games


Winners : Love
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 10:05
Date : 05/04/2023 17:50
Mod : Challenger
Frizer | Sheriff
Sponter | Hunter
alvix | Nightwatch
Sugar | Spy
Rugewit | Sentinel
Tarredo | Lawkeeper
SimpM | Fake
Kocur | Leader
win Shiro | Survivor
Olivcia | Outlaw
win DreaM | Cursed
PiXeL | Ghost
Turn 1
action image Sugar used Spy's power
action image alvix used Nightwatch's power
action image Iwan got recruited in culte Kocur
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
action image PiXeL became invisible
action image PiXeL killed Kocur
action image Tarredo reported Kocur
Meeting 1
action image EVO failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled EVO
Shiro voted
P voted
SimpM voted
alvix voted Sugar
Sugar voted PiXeL
Tarredo voted PiXeL
Olivcia voted PiXeL
PiXeL voted PiXeL
Rugewit voted PiXeL
Sponter voted PiXeL
Frizer voted PiXeL
Iwan voted PiXeL
DreaM voted PiXeL
action image Lobby exiled PiXeL
Turn 2
action image Iwan got recruited in culte Shiro
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
action image Iwan got recruited in culte Rugewit
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
action image Sponter tracked alvix
action image Olivcia killed as Outlaw Frizer
action image P blocked a vent
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
action image SimpM reported Frizer
Meeting 2
Shiro voted
Sugar voted
Tarredo voted
SimpM voted
P voted Sugar
Rugewit voted Sugar
Iwan voted Olivcia
DreaM voted alvix
Olivcia voted SimpM
alvix voted SimpM
Turn 3
action image P blocked a vent
action image Sugar used Spy's power
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
action image alvix used Nightwatch's power
action image P blocked a vent
action image Rugewit used Sentinel's power
DreaM fullcurse

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Role :
Sentinel [2 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:57
Date : 05/04/2023 17:38
Mod : Challenger
Sugar | Guardian
Frizer | Hunter
Tarredo | Mayor
Shiro | Informant
Sponter | Bait
Olivcia | Builder
Rugewit | Fake
win alvix | Mercenary
DreaM | Outlaw
SimpM | Eater
PiXeL | Cursed
win Kocur | Vector
Turn 1
action image Sugar shielded EVO
action image Kocur infected Frizer
action image Frizer tracked Olivcia
action image Kocur executed Frizer
action image Tarredo reported Olivcia
Meeting 1
Shiro voted
PiXeL voted
Tarredo voted
Iwan voted
Sponter voted
Rugewit voted PiXeL
P voted PiXeL
DreaM voted PiXeL
Kocur voted Sugar
SimpM voted Iwan
Sugar voted Kocur
EVO voted P
alvix voted DreaM
Turn 2
action image P used Nightwatch's power
action image alvix became an Impostor
action image alvix killed DreaM
action image Kocur infected Sponter
action image EVO used shadow power
action image Iwan used Sentinel's power
action image Kocur executed Sponter
action image EVO killed Sugar
action image Tarredo reported Sponter
Meeting 2
PiXeL voted
Tarredo voted
alvix voted
EVO voted
Kocur voted
SimpM voted
Iwan voted Tarredo
Shiro voted alvix
Rugewit voted alvix
P voted SimpM
Turn 3
action image Kocur infected Shiro
action image alvix killed P
action image Tarredo called an emergency
Meeting 3
action image Tarredo called an emergency as Mayor
Shiro voted
Tarredo voted
alvix voted
Iwan voted
Kocur voted
SimpM voted
EVO voted Rugewit
Rugewit voted alvix
PiXeL voted Iwan
Turn 4
action image Kocur infected SimpM
action image EVO created a vent
action image Kocur executed SimpM
action image EVO killed Rugewit
action image EVO reported SimpM

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Dictator [1 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 03:15
Date : 05/04/2023 17:32
Mod : Challenger
win Sugar | Timelord
win DreaM | Hunter
win Olivcia | Nightwatch
win Tarredo | Builder
win Kocur | Teammate
win alvix | Lawkeeper
Frizer | Survivor
SimpM | Cultist
Sponter | Arsonist
PiXeL | Cursed
Shiro | Ghost
Rugewit | Guesser
Turn 1
action image DreaM tracked Olivcia
action image SimpM got recruited in culte EVO
action image Rugewit killed Sponter
action image alvix reported Sponter
Meeting 1
action image Rugewit failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Rugewit
action image Iwan attempted to redirect all votes to DreaM
P voted
Olivcia voted
Frizer voted
Tarredo voted
Sugar voted
DreaM voted
SimpM voted
Shiro voted Iwan
alvix voted Iwan
Kocur voted Iwan
Iwan voted Iwan
PiXeL voted Iwan
EVO voted Iwan
Turn 2
action image SimpM got recruited in culte Tarredo
action image Olivcia used Nightwatch's power
action image Sugar stopped time
action image SimpM got recruited in culte Olivcia

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Mentalist [8 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 21:15
Date : 05/04/2023 17:07
Mod : Challenger
win Rugewit | Sheriff
win Olivcia | Mystic
win PiXeL | Spirit
win Tarredo | Dictator
win Frizer | Teammate
win Sponter | Teammate
win alvix | Copycat
win Sugar | Revenger
SimpM | Jester
Kocur | Eater
DreaM | Arsonist
Shiro | Morphling
Turn 1
action image Sugar chose as target P
action image EVO used shadow power
action image alvix chose to copy role of EVO
action image SimpM used Fakekill
action image DreaM oiled Tarredo
action image EVO created a vent
action image Sugar chose as target Olivcia
action image EVO killed Frizer
action image SimpM used Fakekill
action image Iwan activated admin colors
action image EVO used shadow power
action image Shiro killed Sponter
action image Tarredo reported Frizer
Meeting 1
action image Tarredo attempted to redirect all votes to Olivcia
Shiro voted
DreaM voted
Tarredo voted
Kocur voted
EVO voted
alvix voted
Iwan voted
SimpM voted
PiXeL voted Tarredo
Turn 2
action image EVO created a vent
action image SimpM used Fakekill
action image Sugar chose as target DreaM
action image EVO used shadow power
action image Iwan activated admin colors
action image EVO killed PiXeL
action image DreaM reported PiXeL
Meeting 2
Shiro voted DreaM
EVO voted Sugar
DreaM voted EVO
Sugar voted EVO
Tarredo voted EVO
P voted EVO
alvix voted EVO
Iwan voted EVO
Rugewit voted EVO
SimpM voted EVO
Kocur voted Olivcia
Olivcia voted P
action image Lobby exiled EVO
Turn 3
action image alvix suicided itself as Copycat
action image Rugewit reported alvix
Meeting 3
Tarredo voted Sugar
Shiro voted Kocur
Sugar voted Kocur
P voted Kocur
DreaM voted Olivcia
Kocur voted Olivcia
Iwan voted Olivcia
SimpM voted P
Olivcia voted Iwan
action image Lobby exiled Olivcia
Turn 4
action image P used Detective's power
action image Rugewit killed itself as Sheriff
action image P reported Rugewit
Meeting 4
Iwan voted DreaM
Sugar voted Kocur
P voted Kocur
Tarredo voted P
SimpM voted P
DreaM voted Iwan
Kocur voted Iwan
Shiro voted SimpM
Turn 5
action image SimpM used Fakekill
action image DreaM oiled Shiro
action image Shiro scanned DreaM
action image Iwan activated admin colors
action image SimpM used Fakekill
action image Shiro killed P
action image Iwan reported P
Meeting 5
Tarredo voted Shiro
Iwan voted Shiro
Kocur voted DreaM
Shiro voted Kocur
DreaM voted Kocur
Sugar voted Kocur
SimpM voted Kocur
action image Lobby exiled Kocur
Turn 6
action image Shiro killed Iwan
action image DreaM oiled Tarredo

Winners : Love
Role :
Teammate [0 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Submerged
Duration : 03:07
Date : 05/04/2023 17:02
Mod : Challenger
Rugewit | Engineer
SimpM | Mystic
Kocur | Mayor
DreaM | Spy
PiXeL | Bait
win Sugar | Survivor
Frizer | Revenger
win Shiro | Outlaw
Tarredo | Jester
Sponter | Cursed
alvix | Ghost
Olivcia | Guesser
Turn 1
action image DreaM used Spy's power
action image Kocur called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image Kocur called an emergency as Mayor
action image Olivcia guessed role of Kocur
action image Lobby exiled Kocur
action image Olivcia failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Olivcia
Shiro voted
Iwan voted
Sponter voted
P voted Rugewit
Sugar voted
Rugewit voted Kocur
EVO voted Kocur
PiXeL voted Kocur
Frizer voted Tarredo
action image P tracked Sponter
action image Tarredo used Fakekill
action image PiXeL created a warn area
action image Shiro killed as Outlaw Tarredo
action image Tarredo used Fakekill
action image PiXeL created a warn area
action image Shiro killed as Outlaw EVO
action image Shiro reported EVO


Achievements (3)

achievement Crewmate
achievement Dictator
achievement Mentalist

Various stats

Body reported

1 / 5 games

Emergency called

0 / 5 games


0 / 5 games


11 / 32 tasks


1 / 4 games


0 / 0 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Mentalist

1 / 1 games

1. Dictator

1 / 1 games

2. Sentinel

0 / 1 games

2. Teammate

0 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

Best Neutral roles

1. Cultist

0 / 1 games