



14 / 42 games


10 / 22 games


1 / 5 games


3 / 15 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Sheriff [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 02:22
Date : 28/07/2023 03:59
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Zero shielded Akillan
action image Deathfjb created a warn area
action image lizinha killed Zero
action image Warn area was activated
action image Deathfjb reported Zero
Meeting 1
Akillan voted
lizinha voted
Cobinhaaaa voted
Turn 2
action image lizinha killed Akillan
action image Cobinhaaaa killed as Sheriff lizinha

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Bait [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 02:34
Date : 28/07/2023 03:56
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Akillan shielded Cobinhaaaa
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image Deathfjb killed tício
action image Deathfjb reported tício
Meeting 1
action image Deathfjb failed a guess Deathfjb
Zero voted
Akillan voted Zero
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Guardian [1 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 03:47
Date : 28/07/2023 03:52
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cobinhaaaa shielded Akillan
action image tício used Detective's power
action image Deathfjb killed tício
action image Zero reported tício
Meeting 1
action image Deathfjb failed a guess Deathfjb
Akillan voted
Zero voted
Turn 2
action image lizinha created a warn area
action image lizinha created a warn area
action image Deathfjb reported Cobinhaaaa
Meeting 2
action image Deathfjb guessed role of Zero
action image Lobby exiled Zero
action image Lobby exiled Akillan

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Guardian [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 03:34
Date : 28/07/2023 03:48
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cobinhaaaa shielded lizinha
action image Zero created a warn area
action image lizinha killed Akillan
action image Deathfjb reported Akillan
Meeting 1
Zero voted Deathfjb
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb
Turn 2
action image lizinha killed Zero
action image lizinha reported Zero
Meeting 2
tício voted lizinha
action image Lobby exiled lizinha

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Detective [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 02:18
Date : 28/07/2023 03:45
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Zero shielded Akillan
action image Akillan created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image Akillan created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image Deathfjb killed Zero
action image Akillan created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa reported Zero
Meeting 1
action image Deathfjb failed a guess Deathfjb
lizinha voted tício
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Detective [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 06:18
Date : 28/07/2023 03:38
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image tício created a warn area
action image Deathfjb shielded Cobinhaaaa
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image tício created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image tício created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image tício created a warn area
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image lizinha killed itself as Sheriff
action image Deathfjb reported lizinha
Meeting 1
action image Akillan failed a guess Akillan
Akillan voted
Deathfjb voted
tício voted Zero
Zero voted Deathfjb
Turn 2
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image Akillan killed tício
action image Akillan reported tício
Meeting 2
action image Akillan guessed role of Zero
action image Lobby exiled Zero
Cobinhaaaa voted
Turn 3
action image Cobinhaaaa used Detective's power
action image Akillan called an emergency
Meeting 3
action image Akillan failed a guess and died
action image Lobby exiled Akillan

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Bait [0 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 03:28
Date : 28/07/2023 03:33
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image tício shielded lizinha
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image Zero killed Akillan
action image Warn area was activated
action image Deathfjb reported Akillan
Meeting 1
action image Zero guessed role of Deathfjb
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb
Zero voted
tício voted Zero
Turn 2
action image lizinha got denied by shield

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Guardian [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 04:53
Date : 28/07/2023 03:28
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Cobinhaaaa shielded lizinha
action image Zero created a warn area
action image tício used Detective's power
action image Zero created a warn area
action image Deathfjb killed Akillan
action image Zero created a warn area
action image tício used Detective's power
action image tício reported Akillan
Meeting 1
Deathfjb voted
lizinha voted Zero
Turn 2
action image Zero created a warn area
action image tício used Detective's power
action image Warn area was activated
action image lizinha killed itself as Sheriff
action image Cobinhaaaa reported lizinha
Meeting 2
action image Deathfjb guessed role of Zero
action image Lobby exiled Zero
tício voted Zero
Turn 3
action image Deathfjb killed tício

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Bait [0 / 2]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 02:43
Date : 28/07/2023 03:25
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image tício shielded Zero
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image Akillan used Detective's power
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image Akillan used Detective's power
action image lizinha killed itself as Sheriff
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image tício reported lizinha
Meeting 1
action image Zero guessed role of tício
action image Lobby exiled tício
Zero voted Deathfjb
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb
Turn 2
action image Cobinhaaaa created a warn area
action image Zero killed Akillan
action image Cobinhaaaa reported Akillan

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 03:28
Date : 28/07/2023 03:21
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Deathfjb created a warn area
action image Zero used Detective's power
action image Deathfjb created a warn area
action image Zero used Detective's power
action image Deathfjb created a warn area
action image Zero used Detective's power
action image tício killed itself as Sheriff
action image Cobinhaaaa eat a body
action image lizinha shielded Akillan
action image Zero reported tício
Meeting 1
action image Akillan failed a guess Akillan
Cobinhaaaa voted
Deathfjb voted Zero
action image Lobby exiled Deathfjb
Turn 2
action image Zero used Detective's power
action image Akillan killed Zero
action image Akillan reported Zero
Meeting 2
action image Akillan guessed role of Cobinhaaaa
action image Lobby exiled Cobinhaaaa


Various stats

Body reported

13 / 42 games

Emergency called

2 / 42 games


4 / 42 games


17 / 69 tasks


5 / 22 games


7 / 5 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Detective

4 / 5 games

2. Sheriff

2 / 3 games

3. Guardian

3 / 7 games

4. Bait

1 / 5 games

5. Mayor

0 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Guesser

1 / 1 games

2. Assassin

0 / 1 games

2. Scrambler

0 / 3 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Survivor

1 / 1 games

1. Cultist

2 / 2 games

2. Copycat

0 / 2 games

2. Cupid

0 / 1 games

2. Jester

0 / 1 games