



3 / 14 games


1 / 5 games


2 / 6 games


0 / 3 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 17:46
Date : 14/01/2023 01:40
Mod : Challenger
win TheoGeass | Crewmate
win Akachan | Mystic
win Urotsuki | Mayor
win enden | Nightwatch
win Alex Bal | Informant
Saref | Morphling
Artic | Sorcerer
Turn 1
action image Tsukagami got recruited in culte Alex Bal
action image enden used Nightwatch's power
action image Saref scanned TheoGeass
action image Tsukagami got recruited in culte TheoGeass
action image Saref killed TheoGeass
action image Alex Bal checked identity of Akachan
action image Saref transformed itself TheoGeass
action image Artic killed Urotsuki
action image Alex Bal reported Urotsuki
Turn 2
action image Saref scanned Akachan
action image Artic found first rune
action image Artic found second rune
action image Saref killed enden
action image Alex Bal reported enden
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled Artic
action image Saref transformed itself Akachan
action image Saref killed Tsukagami
action image Saref killed Akachan
action image Xela reported Akachan
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Saref

Winners : Jester
Role :
Fake [1 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 05:09
Date : 14/01/2023 01:33
Mod : Challenger
enden | Crewmate
TheoGeass | Bait
Artic | Builder
Xela | Dictator
Saref | Lawkeeper
win Urotsuki | Jester
Alex Bal | Barghest
Akachan | Basilisk
Turn 1
action image Akachan killed Saref
action image Alex Bal used shadow power
action image Alex Bal reported Saref
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Urotsuki

Winners : Jester
Role :
Sentinel [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 11:56
Date : 14/01/2023 01:19
Mod : Challenger
Artic | Crewmate
enden | Timelord
Akachan | Nightwatch
Xela | Builder
Saref | Fake
win Urotsuki | Jester
TheoGeass | Assassin
Alex Bal | Barghest
Turn 1
action image Xela blocked a vent
action image Tsukagami used Sentinel's power
action image Alex Bal used shadow power
action image Akachan used Nightwatch's power
action image Alex Bal killed Artic
action image Tsukagami used Sentinel's power
action image Alex Bal used shadow power
action image Akachan used Nightwatch's power
action image Urotsuki reported Artic
Turn 2
action image Tsukagami used Sentinel's power
action image TheoGeass killed Xela
action image Akachan used Nightwatch's power
action image Saref reported Xela
Turn 3
action image Urotsuki called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Urotsuki

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 14:36
Date : 14/01/2023 00:57
Mod : Challenger
enden | Crewmate
Alex Bal | Crewmate
Xela | Engineer
Urotsuki | Spy
Artic | Mentalist
TheoGeass | Lawkeeper
Saref | Fake
Akachan | Cultist
win Aisu | Assassin
Turn 1
action image Aisu killed Artic
action image TheoGeass reported Artic
Turn 2
action image Aisu killed Akachan
action image Urotsuki used Spy's power
action image Xela reported Akachan
Turn 3
action image Aisu killed Xela
action image enden reported Urotsuki
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Tsukagami
action image Aisu killed Saref
action image Aisu killed TheoGeass

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 15:44
Date : 14/01/2023 00:35
Mod : Challenger
Saref | Crewmate
Alex Bal | Crewmate
Urotsuki | Hunter
Akachan | Detective
TheoGeass | Spy
enden | Lawkeeper
win Artic | Scrambler
win Aisu | Basilisk
Turn 1
action image TheoGeass used Spy's power
action image Tsukagami got recruited in culte enden
action image Artic used camouflage power
action image Artic killed Xela
action image TheoGeass reported Xela
Turn 2
action image Aisu chose to super petrify enden
action image Artic used camouflage power
action image Aisu killed TheoGeass
action image Urotsuki reported TheoGeass
Turn 3
action image Urotsuki tracked Alex Bal
action image Artic killed Alex Bal
action image Akachan reported Alex Bal
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Urotsuki
action image Artic used camouflage power
action image Tsukagami got recruited in culte Saref
action image Aisu chose to prettify Akachan
action image Artic used camouflage power
action image Artic killed Saref
action image Aisu killed Tsukagami

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Builder [6 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 22:40
Date : 14/01/2023 00:10
Mod : Challenger
win TheoGeass | Crewmate
win Alex Bal | Crewmate
win Akachan | Mystic
win Xela | Spirit
win Saref | Nightwatch
win Aisu | Dictator
Urotsuki | Cursed
enden | Vector
Artic | Basilisk
Turn 1
action image Tsukagami blocked a vent
action image enden infected Aisu
action image Artic chose to super petrify Akachan
action image Artic killed Alex Bal
action image Saref reported Alex Bal
Turn 2
action image Artic chose to prettify Aisu
action image Xela called an emergency
Turn 3
action image Saref used Nightwatch's power
action image enden infected Aisu
action image Artic chose to super petrify Xela
action image Artic killed Urotsuki
action image Xela reported Urotsuki
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Artic
action image enden infected Saref
action image Saref called an emergency
Turn 5
action image enden infected TheoGeass
action image TheoGeass called an emergency
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled enden

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 15:44
Date : 13/01/2023 23:52
Mod : Challenger
win Alex Bal | Crewmate
win Aisu | Crewmate
win TheoGeass | Sheriff
win enden | Guardian
win Artic | Hunter
win Xela | Bait
win Urotsuki | Fake
Akachan | Jester
Saref | Morphling
Turn 1
action image enden shielded Akachan
action image Artic tracked Urotsuki
action image Tsukagami killed Aisu
action image Alex Bal reported Aisu
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Tsukagami
action image Saref scanned Xela
action image Saref transformed itself Xela
action image Saref killed Alex Bal
action image Artic reported Alex Bal
Turn 3
action image Saref killed Urotsuki
action image Akachan got denied by shield
action image Artic tracked Saref
action image Artic reported Urotsuki
Turn 4
action image Lobby exiled Saref

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 20:29
Date : 13/01/2023 23:29
Mod : Challenger
Urotsuki | Crewmate
TheoGeass | Crewmate
enden | Mayor
Alex Bal | Informant
Akachan | Lawkeeper
Artic | Fake
Aisu | Jester
win Saref | Sorcerer
Turn 1
action image Xela activated admin colors
action image Aisu used Fakekill
action image Akachan called an emergency
Turn 2
action image Saref found first rune
action image Saref killed enden
action image Alex Bal reported enden
Turn 3
action image Saref killed Alex Bal
action image Tsukagami chose to super petrify Aisu
action image Aisu reported Alex Bal
Turn 4
action image Xela called an emergency
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Akachan
action image Saref killed Aisu
action image Xela reported Aisu
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled Xela

Winners : Crewmates , Culte
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 15:44
Date : 13/01/2023 23:12
Mod : Challenger
win Artic | Crewmate
win Alex Bal | Crewmate
Aisu | Mystic
TheoGeass | Nightwatch
Akachan | Informant
Saref | Mentalist
win enden | Cultist
Urotsuki | Barghest
Turn 1
action image Saref activated admin colors
action image Xela used Detective's power
action image Tsukagami infected Xela
action image Tsukagami executed Xela
action image enden got recruited in culte Alex Bal
action image Aisu reported Xela
Turn 2
action image Aisu shielded itself
action image Urotsuki used shadow power
action image TheoGeass used Nightwatch's power
action image Tsukagami infected enden
action image enden reported TheoGeass
Turn 3
action image Urotsuki killed Akachan
action image enden got recruited in culte Artic
action image Urotsuki used shadow power
action image Aisu reported Akachan
Turn 4
action image Tsukagami infected Saref
action image Tsukagami executed Saref
action image Alex Bal reported Saref
Turn 5
action image Lobby exiled Tsukagami

Winners : Crewmates
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 20:29
Date : 13/01/2023 22:49
Mod : Challenger
win TheoGeass | Crewmate
win Artic | Sheriff
win Akachan | Spirit
win Urotsuki | Nightwatch
win enden | Sentinel
win Xela | Teammate
win Aisu | Teammate
Alex Bal | Cultist
Saref | Assassin
Turn 1
action image Tsukagami killed enden
action image Alex Bal got recruited in culte Akachan
action image Urotsuki reported enden
Turn 2
action image Alex Bal got recruited in culte Urotsuki
action image Saref killed Aisu
action image Xela reported Aisu
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled Saref
action image Urotsuki used Nightwatch's power
action image TheoGeass reported Urotsuki
Turn 4
action image Tsukagami killed Artic
action image Xela reported Artic
Turn 5
action image Tsukagami transformed itself TheoGeass
action image TheoGeass reported Alex Bal
Turn 6
action image Lobby exiled Tsukagami


Achievements (4)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Builder
achievement Sorcerer

Various stats

Body reported

0 / 14 games

Emergency called

0 / 14 games


5 / 14 games


25 / 37 tasks


5 / 5 games


12 / 6 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Builder

1 / 1 games

2. Crewmate

0 / 1 games

2. Sentinel

0 / 2 games

2. Fake

0 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Sorcerer

1 / 2 games

1. Basilisk

1 / 2 games

2. Vector

0 / 1 games

2. Morphling

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Cultist

0 / 3 games