



7 / 10 games


7 / 8 games


0 / 2 games


0 / 0 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 10:04
Date : 17/04/2024 13:29
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image capr8ttona repaired sabotage
action image Steffo2317 checked identity of Nico3217
action image capr8ttona called an emergency
Turn 2
action image Phere2317 became an Impostor
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Phere2317
Turn 3
action image Marcy7321 called an emergency
Turn 4
action image Nico3217 called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Kendal2713
Turn 5
action image Nico3217 reported Marcy7321
Meeting 5
zeyxon1327 voted
action image Lobby exiled zeyxon1327

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Crewmate [1 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 01:42
Date : 17/04/2024 13:26
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Marcy7321 repaired sabotage
action image Kendal2713 called an emergency

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [1 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 07:59
Date : 17/04/2024 13:17
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Steffo2317 checked identity of Kendal2713
action image Phere2317 became an Impostor
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
Meeting 1
Steffo2317 voted
Kendal2713 voted
Phere2317 voted
Turn 2
action image Nico3217 called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled zeyxon1327
Turn 3
action image Marcy7321 called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Kendal2713
Turn 4
Meeting 4
action image Lobby exiled Phere2317

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [2 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:53
Date : 17/04/2024 13:09
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Phere2317 called an emergency
Meeting 1
capr8ttona voted
Phere2317 voted
Turn 2
action image Kendal2713 called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled Steffo2317

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [3 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:33
Date : 17/04/2024 13:02
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
Meeting 1
Steffo2317 voted
capr8ttona voted
Kendal2713 voted
Turn 2
action image capr8ttona called an emergency

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [4 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 06:16
Date : 17/04/2024 12:54
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Nico3217 reported Kendal2713
Meeting 1
Steffo2317 voted
Nico3217 voted
capr8ttona voted
zeyxon1327 voted
Phere2317 voted
Marcy7321 voted
Turn 2
action image capr8ttona blocked a vent
action image Marcy7321 infected Phere2317
action image Marcy7321 executed Phere2317
action image Nico3217 reported Phere2317
action image Lobby exiled zeyxon1327
Turn 3
action image capr8ttona blocked a vent
action image Nico3217 called an emergency
Meeting 3
action image Lobby exiled Marcy7321

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 07:27
Date : 17/04/2024 12:37
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image zeyxon1327 found first rune
action image Phere2317 used Fakekill
action image Nico3217 blocked a vent
action image zeyxon1327 found second rune
action image zeyxon1327 found third rune
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
Meeting 1
Steffo2317 voted
zeyxon1327 voted
capr8ttona voted
Kendal2713 voted
Phere2317 voted
Turn 2
action image zeyxon1327 found fourth rune
action image zeyxon1327 destroyed admin table
action image Lobby exiled zeyxon1327

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [4 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:27
Date : 17/04/2024 12:31
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Marcy7321 found first rune
action image Phere2317 blocked a vent
action image Kendal2713 used Fakekill
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
Meeting 1
zeyxon1327 voted
Nico3217 voted
capr8ttona voted
Marcy7321 voted
Kendal2713 voted
Turn 2
action image Marcy7321 found second rune
action image Lobby exiled Marcy7321

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 08:45
Date : 17/04/2024 12:21
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Nico3217 found first rune
action image capr8ttona blocked a vent
action image Steffo2317 called an emergency
Turn 2
action image Nico3217 found second rune
action image Lobby exiled capr8ttona
Turn 3
action image Nico3217 reported Steffo2317
Meeting 3
action image Lobby exiled Kendal2713

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [5 / 5]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 04:32
Date : 17/04/2024 12:15
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Steffo2317 found first rune
action image Nico3217 reported Marcy7321
action image Lobby exiled Kendal2713
Turn 2
action image Steffo2317 found second rune
action image Steffo2317 found third rune


Various stats

Body reported

0 / 10 games

Emergency called

0 / 10 games


4 / 10 games


27 / 54 tasks


2 / 8 games


3 / 2 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Crewmate

7 / 8 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Vector

0 / 1 games

1. Sorcerer

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles