



8 / 17 games


3 / 6 games


2 / 5 games


3 / 6 games


Winners : Love
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 04:28
Date : 09/03/2024 22:05
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Henrik created a vent
action image Henrik killed Lu
action image xXS ve NXx became an Impostor
action image Henrik used shadow power
action image Takka reported Lu
Meeting 1
xXS ve NXx voted
Takka voted
Henrik voted
Domi voted Takka
Turn 2
action image Henrik killed Jake
action image Henrik created a vent

Winners : Outlaw
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 12:05
Date : 09/03/2024 21:51
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Takka scanned Domi
action image Takka killed Thomaufi
action image Takka transformed itself Domi
action image Jake became an Impostor
action image Jake killed Henrik
action image Henrik used Fakekill
action image Domi called an emergency
Meeting 1
Jake voted Lu
Domi voted
Lu voted xXS ve NXx
Takka voted Domi
Turn 2
action image Jake killed Lu
action image Jake killed Domi
action image xXS ve NXx killed as Outlaw Jake
action image Takka reported Domi
Meeting 2
Turn 3
action image Takka transformed itself Domi
action image xXS ve NXx called an emergency
Meeting 3
xXS ve NXx voted
Turn 4
action image xXS ve NXx killed as Outlaw Takka

Winners : Love
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 03:23
Date : 09/03/2024 21:46
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu killed Henrik
action image Henrik used Fakekill
action image xXS ve NXx became an Impostor
action image xXS ve NXx killed Jake
action image xXS ve NXx reported Jake
Meeting 1
Takka voted
Thomaufi voted
Lu voted
xXS ve NXx voted
Turn 2
action image Lu killed Takka

Winners : Jester
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 05:50
Date : 09/03/2024 21:38
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu killed xXS ve NXx
action image Lu reported xXS ve NXx
Meeting 1
Domi voted
Lu voted
Thomaufi voted
Henrik voted
Jake voted Jake
Takka voted Thomaufi
Turn 2
action image Lu killed Takka
action image Henrik reported Takka
Meeting 2
Henrik voted Lu
Domi voted Jake
Jake voted Jake
Thomaufi voted Jake
Lu voted Henrik
action image Lobby exiled Jake

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 06:00
Date : 09/03/2024 21:30
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu killed xXS ve NXx
action image Takka used Fakekill
action image Thomaufi killed Jake
action image Lu reported Jake
Meeting 1
Domi voted
Thomaufi voted
Henrik voted
Lu voted Henrik
Turn 2
action image Lu killed Takka
action image Thomaufi killed Henrik

Winners : Neutral
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 08:23
Date : 09/03/2024 21:20
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu got recruited in culte xXS ve NXx
action image Thomaufi created a vent
action image Thomaufi killed Lu
action image Thomaufi used shadow power
action image Domi chose to copy role of xXS ve NXx
action image Takka reported Lu
Meeting 1
Takka voted
Henrik voted
xXS ve NXx voted
Thomaufi voted
Jake voted
Turn 2
action image Thomaufi used shadow power
action image Thomaufi killed Takka
action image Thomaufi used shadow power
action image Thomaufi killed Henrik

Winners : Love
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 09:08
Date : 09/03/2024 21:08
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Jake infected Takka
action image Jake executed Takka
action image Henrik reported Takka
Meeting 1
Domi voted
Lu voted
xXS ve NXx voted
Jake voted
Thomaufi voted
Henrik voted
Turn 2
action image Henrik chose to copy role of Thomaufi
action image Jake infected Lu
action image Jake executed Lu
action image xXS ve NXx reported Lu
Meeting 2
Domi voted
xXS ve NXx voted
Thomaufi voted
Henrik voted Domi

Winners : Neutral , Culte
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 07:11
Date : 09/03/2024 20:59
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lu chose to copy role of xXS ve NXx
action image xXS ve NXx chose as target Thomaufi
action image Jake found first rune
action image Jake killed Lu
action image Thomaufi reported Lu
Meeting 1
Takka voted
Henrik voted
Domi voted Takka
Thomaufi voted Jake
Jake voted Thomaufi
Turn 2
action image Thomaufi got recruited in culte Takka
action image Jake found second rune
action image xXS ve NXx chose as target Domi
action image Thomaufi got recruited in culte xXS ve NXx
action image xXS ve NXx called an emergency
Meeting 2
Henrik voted
xXS ve NXx voted
Thomaufi voted Jake
Domi voted Henrik
Takka voted Thomaufi
Jake voted Thomaufi
Turn 3
action image xXS ve NXx chose as target Jake
action image Jake killed Domi

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [6 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 11:47
Date : 09/03/2024 20:45
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Takka chose as target xXS ve NXx
action image xXS ve NXx killed Lu
action image Takka chose as target Henrik
action image Domi eat a body
action image Takka called an emergency
Meeting 1
Henrik voted
Takka voted Jake
Domi voted Henrik
Jake voted Henrik
action image Lobby exiled Henrik
Turn 2
action image xXS ve NXx killed Domi
action image Jake reported Domi
Meeting 2
Jake voted Takka
Takka voted Jake
Turn 3
action image Jake called an emergency
Meeting 3
xXS ve NXx voted
Jake voted Takka
Takka voted Jake
Turn 4
action image Jake called an emergency
Meeting 4
Jake voted Takka
Takka voted Jake
action image Lobby exiled Takka

Winners : Eater
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 02:29
Date : 09/03/2024 20:41
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Domi blocked a vent
action image Jake killed Domi
action image Takka eat a body


Various stats

Body reported

2 / 17 games

Emergency called

3 / 17 games


2 / 17 games


37 / 40 tasks


5 / 6 games


12 / 5 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 8 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Crewmate

3 / 6 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Impostor

1 / 1 games

1. Scrambler

1 / 1 games

2. Vector

0 / 1 games

2. Sorcerer

0 / 1 games

2. Basilisk

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Jester

1 / 1 games

1. Eater

1 / 1 games

2. Mercenary

1 / 2 games

3. Survivor

0 / 1 games

3. Cursed

0 / 1 games