



3 / 8 games


3 / 8 games


0 / 0 games


0 / 0 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Timelord [5 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Better
Duration : 03:34
Date : 24/09/2023 08:08
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Looey scanned FancyMeow
action image Sly killed as Sheriff dum
action image Sly reported dum
Meeting 1
Sly voted
Storm voted
Jellie voted
Looey voted Sly
Bat Sus voted
FancyMeow voted
Turn 2
action image CUMSOCK used Detective's power
action image Looey transformed itself FancyMeow
action image Bat Sus killed Sly
action image Looey killed FancyMeow
action image CUMSOCK used Detective's power
action image Looey killed Jellie

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mayor [8 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 18:40
Date : 24/09/2023 07:45
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Stamppolar scanned Jellie
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image Jellie used Nightwatch's power
action image CUMSOCK used Fakekill
action image Looey killed as Sheriff dum
action image Stamppolar reported dum
Meeting 1
Sly voted
Bat Sus voted
Looey voted
Jellie voted
Storm voted
Stamppolar voted
Turn 2
action image FancyMeow blocked a vent
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image Stamppolar transformed itself Jellie
action image Bat Sus used Detective's power
action image Looey killed as Sheriff CUMSOCK
action image Jellie reported CUMSOCK
Meeting 2
Looey voted
Sly voted Bat Sus
Jellie voted Bat Sus
Bat Sus voted Looey
Storm voted Looey
action image Lobby exiled Looey
Turn 3
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image Stamppolar transformed itself Jellie
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image Stamppolar killed Storm
action image Bat Sus used Detective's power
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image FancyMeow reported Storm
Meeting 3
Bat Sus voted
FancyMeow voted
Stamppolar voted
Sly voted Stamppolar
Turn 4
action image Sly used Sentinel's power
action image Jellie used Nightwatch's power
action image Bat Sus used Detective's power
action image Stamppolar transformed itself Jellie
action image Stamppolar killed Sly
action image Jellie used Nightwatch's power
action image Bat Sus used Detective's power
action image Bat Sus reported Sly
Meeting 4
Bat Sus voted
FancyMeow voted
Stamppolar voted
Turn 5
action image Stamppolar transformed itself Jellie
action image FancyMeow reported Jellie
Meeting 5
action image Lobby exiled Stamppolar

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Timelord [0 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 02:02
Date : 24/09/2023 07:39
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Jellie killed Sly
action image Looey scanned dum
action image dum reported Sly
Meeting 1
action image Jellie failed a guess Jellie

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Builder [1 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 04:23
Date : 24/09/2023 07:28
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sly scanned FancyMeow
action image Stamppolar found first rune
action image Looey used Detective's power
action image Storm blocked a vent
action image Jellie repaired sabotage
action image Stamppolar found second rune
action image Sly transformed itself FancyMeow
action image dum stopped time
action image Sly killed Storm
action image CUMSOCK got recruited in culte Jellie
action image Looey reported Storm
Meeting 1
Jellie voted
Sly voted Jellie
dum voted Jellie
CUMSOCK voted Jellie
Looey voted Jellie
action image Lobby exiled Jellie
Turn 2
action image Stamppolar found third rune
action image CUMSOCK got recruited in culte dum
action image FancyMeow shielded itself
action image Stamppolar killed Looey
action image Sly transformed itself FancyMeow
action image Sly killed CUMSOCK
action image dum stopped time

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mystic [5 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 09:50
Date : 24/09/2023 07:17
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image CUMSOCK killed Jellie
action image Looey used Detective's power
action image dum got recruited in culte Looey
action image FancyMeow repaired sabotage
action image dum got recruited in culte Sly
action image Looey used Detective's power
action image CUMSOCK killed Looey
action image Stamppolar reported Jellie
Meeting 1
action image Sly redirected all votes to dum
dum voted
Stamppolar voted
Storm voted
Sly voted dum
FancyMeow voted dum
Turn 2
action image CUMSOCK killed Sly
action image FancyMeow reported Sly
Meeting 2
dum voted CUMSOCK
Storm voted CUMSOCK
action image Lobby exiled CUMSOCK
Turn 3
action image Stamppolar found first rune
action image dum called an emergency
Meeting 3
dum voted Stamppolar
action image Lobby exiled Stamppolar

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Timelord [4 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 08:13
Date : 24/09/2023 07:03
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sly killed Jellie
action image FancyMeow used Detective's power
action image Stamppolar blocked a vent
action image Looey scanned FancyMeow
action image Looey transformed itself FancyMeow
action image Looey killed CUMSOCK
action image Sly found first rune
action image FancyMeow used Detective's power
action image FancyMeow reported CUMSOCK
Meeting 1
dum voted Sly
Looey voted
Storm voted
Turn 2
action image FancyMeow used Detective's power
action image Looey transformed itself FancyMeow
action image dum shielded itself
action image Storm called an emergency
Meeting 2
action image Looey killed Storm
Sly voted
dum voted
Looey voted
FancyMeow voted
Stamppolar voted
Turn 3
action image Looey killed Stamppolar

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Builder [5 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 10:23
Date : 24/09/2023 06:50
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image FancyMeow scanned Looey
action image dum repaired sabotage
Meeting 1
action image Looey redirected all votes to Sly
Sly voted
Jellie voted
CUMSOCK voted Sly
FancyMeow voted
Looey voted
Storm voted
dum voted
Turn 2
action image CUMSOCK stopped time
action image Sly killed CUMSOCK
action image FancyMeow transformed itself Looey
action image dum reported CUMSOCK
Meeting 2
Sly voted Sly
Jellie voted Jellie
Looey voted Jellie
Storm voted Storm
dum voted dum
action image Lobby exiled Jellie
Turn 3
action image FancyMeow transformed itself Looey
action image Looey called an emergency
Meeting 3
dum voted FancyMeow
Sly voted Storm
Looey voted Storm
Storm voted Storm
action image Lobby exiled Storm

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Crewmate [1 / 9]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Better
Duration : 06:49
Date : 24/09/2023 06:37
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image CUMSOCK killed dum
action image CUMSOCK reported dum
Meeting 1
Sly voted
FancyMeow voted
Looey voted
Jellie voted
Turn 2
action image FancyMeow scanned Jellie
action image Sly killed as Sheriff Jellie
action image Sly reported Jellie
Meeting 2
Sly voted
FancyMeow voted
Looey voted
Storm voted
Stamppolar voted Sly
Turn 3
action image Jellie used Fakekill
action image Sly killed itself as Sheriff
action image FancyMeow transformed itself Jellie


Various stats

Body reported

0 / 8 games

Emergency called

1 / 8 games


1 / 8 games


29 / 72 tasks


3 / 8 games


0 / 0 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 3 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Mystic

1 / 1 games

1. Mayor

1 / 1 games

2. Timelord

1 / 3 games

3. Crewmate

0 / 1 games

3. Builder

0 / 2 games

Best Impostor roles

Best Neutral roles