



1 / 3 games


0 / 0 games


0 / 2 games


1 / 1 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 16:59
Date : 30/07/2023 21:24
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Aqwerr reported Ballerina
Meeting 1
Kwak voted
Obscuria voted
Mamatz voted
Jaurel voted
rara voted
taz voted Ezib
Turn 2
action image Kwak engraved a mark on Obscuria
action image Obscuria chose to super petrify milk
action image Jaurel used Detective's power
action image Aqwerr killed as Sheriff Obscuria
action image NkL killed rara
action image taz shielded itself
action image Mamatz repaired sabotage
action image milk killed as Outlaw NkL
action image Filou supershielded taz
action image Aqwerr reported Obscuria
Meeting 2
Aqwerr voted
Kwak voted Jaurel
taz voted Jaurel
Mamatz voted Jaurel
Filou voted Jaurel
Ezib voted Jaurel
Jaurel voted Jaurel
action image Lobby exiled Jaurel
Turn 3
action image taz got denied by shield
action image taz got denied by supershield
action image Ezib became an Impostor
action image Ezib failed to kill (but became Impostor)
action image milk killed as Outlaw Filou
action image Kwak reported Filou
Meeting 3
Mamatz voted
milk voted
Drakaryas voted Kwak
Ezib voted taz
Aqwerr voted taz
Kwak voted milk
taz voted milk
Turn 4
action image taz got denied by supershield
action image milk killed as Outlaw Ezib
action image milk killed as Outlaw Drakaryas
action image taz reported Ezib
Meeting 4
Aqwerr voted Kwak
milk voted Kwak
Kwak voted milk
taz voted milk
Mamatz voted milk
action image Lobby exiled milk

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 14:56
Date : 30/07/2023 21:05
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Filou shielded Kaelia
action image Drakaryas tracked milk
action image Ezib repaired sabotage
action image NkL became an Impostor
action image NkL killed Ezib
action image Mamatz killed Jaurel
action image Ballerina used Nightwatch's power
action image milk eat a body
action image Mamatz chose to prettify milk
action image Mamatz killed milk
action image Ballerina used Nightwatch's power
action image Mamatz killed Obscuria
action image taz reported Obscuria
Meeting 1
action image taz redirected all votes to Mamatz
Kwak voted
rara voted
Drakaryas voted
Ballerina voted
Mamatz voted Mamatz
taz voted Mamatz
Filou voted Mamatz
Aqwerr voted Mamatz
Turn 2
action image Mamatz chose to super petrify Aqwerr
action image Mamatz killed taz
action image Drakaryas tracked Aqwerr
action image Drakaryas reported taz
Meeting 2
rara voted
Mamatz voted
Kwak voted Drakaryas
Filou voted Mamatz
Turn 3
action image Mamatz chose to prettify Aqwerr
action image Mamatz killed Ballerina
action image Kwak used Detective's power
action image Aqwerr reported Ballerina
Meeting 3
Filou voted Mamatz
Kwak voted Filou
rara voted Filou
Mamatz voted Filou
action image Lobby exiled Filou
Turn 4
action image Mamatz chose to prettify Aqwerr
action image Kwak used Detective's power
action image Mamatz killed Kwak
action image Aqwerr killed as Sheriff rara
action image rara killed Aqwerr

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 04:59
Date : 30/07/2023 20:39
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image NkL killed Ezib
action image Ballerina reported Ezib
Meeting 1
milk voted
Mamatz voted
Jaurel voted
Obscuria voted
Ballerina voted
NkL voted
taz voted
Turn 2
action image Jaurel killed taz
action image Jaurel killed Obscuria


Achievements (1)

achievement Mercenary

Various stats

Body reported

0 / 3 games

Emergency called

0 / 3 games


0 / 3 games


0 / 0 tasks


0 / 0 games


3 / 2 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 1 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

Best Impostor roles

1. Impostor

0 / 1 games

1. Guesser

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Mercenary

1 / 1 games