



11 / 16 games


11 / 14 games


0 / 2 games


0 / 0 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [8 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Better
Duration : 13:19
Date : 09/10/2023 22:38
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Hisa killed Savyr
action image Hisa became invisible
action image Vayne repaired sabotage
action image Sasha killed Vayne
action image Vik shielded Hisa
action image Lawx reported Savyr
Meeting 1
Hisa voted
Sacaraille voted
Vik voted
Lawx voted
Sasha voted
Maxime voted
ratio voted
Raph voted Vik
Turn 2
action image Hisa killed Raph
action image Hisa became invisible
action image Maxime reported Raph
Meeting 2
Hisa voted
Sacaraille voted
ratio voted
Vik voted Hisa
Lawx voted Hisa
Maxime voted Hisa
Turn 3
action image Hisa killed Sacaraille
action image Hisa became invisible
action image Sasha reported Sacaraille
Meeting 3
action image ratio oiled Maxime
ratio voted
Vik voted Hisa
Lawx voted Hisa
Maxime voted Hisa
Hisa voted Lawx
Sasha voted Maxime
action image Lobby exiled Hisa

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Better
Duration : 17:17
Date : 09/10/2023 22:09
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Vik killed Hisa
action image FeurFeur reported Hisa
Meeting 1
Bananapute voted
Lawx voted
Vik voted
Vayne voted
Sacaraille voted
Sasha voted
Maxime voted
Savyr voted
FeurFeur voted
Coolwile voted
Turn 2
action image Sasha tracked Savyr
action image Vik killed Vayne
action image Vik killed Bananapute
action image Vik became invisible
action image Coolwile reported Bananapute
Meeting 2
Lawx voted
Vik voted
Sacaraille voted
Sasha voted
Maxime voted
FeurFeur voted
Savyr voted Sasha
Coolwile voted Savyr
Turn 3
action image Vik killed Sacaraille
action image Savyr reported Sacaraille
Meeting 3
Vik voted
Sasha voted
Lawx voted Vik
Maxime voted Vik
FeurFeur voted Vik
Coolwile voted Vik
Savyr voted Coolwile
action image Lobby exiled Vik

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Better
Duration : 21:39
Date : 09/10/2023 21:44
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Hisa oiled Maxime
action image Vik killed Savyr
action image Lawx reported Savyr
Meeting 1
Sacaraille voted
Vayne voted
Hisa voted
Sasha voted
Coolwile voted
Maxime voted
Lawx voted FeurFeur
Vik voted FeurFeur
Turn 2
action image Coolwile shielded Bananapute
action image Sasha repaired sabotage
action image Hisa oiled FeurFeur
action image Vik killed Lawx
action image Bananapute became invisible
Meeting 2
Bananapute voted
Vayne voted
Vik voted
Sasha voted
Turn 3
action image Vik killed Vayne
action image Bananapute reported Vayne
Meeting 3
Sacaraille voted
Hisa voted
Vik voted
Maxime voted
Coolwile voted Hisa
Turn 4
action image Sasha repaired sabotage
action image Bananapute got denied by shield
action image Bananapute killed Hisa
action image Sacaraille reported Hisa
action image Lobby exiled Bananapute

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [2 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Better
Duration : 22:32
Date : 09/10/2023 21:19
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Biotek2B scanned Lawx
action image Biotek2B transformed itself Lawx
action image Biotek2B killed Lawx
action image Sacaraille reported Lawx
Meeting 1
Bananapute voted
Sacaraille voted
Sasha voted
Vayne voted
Vik voted
FeurFeur voted
Biotek2B voted
Hisa voted
Lou voted
Coolwile voted
Savyr voted
Turn 2
action image Biotek2B scanned Lou
action image Hisa reported Coolwile
Meeting 2
Sasha voted
Vayne voted
FeurFeur voted
Lou voted
Savyr voted
Vik voted Sacaraille
Sacaraille voted Vik
Hisa voted Savyr
Turn 3
action image Biotek2B transformed itself Lou
action image Biotek2B killed Hisa
action image Sacaraille reported Hisa
Meeting 3
FeurFeur voted
Biotek2B voted
Vik voted Biotek2B
Lou voted Biotek2B
Savyr voted Biotek2B
action image Lobby exiled Biotek2B
Turn 4
action image Vayne killed Vik
action image Bananapute reported Vik
Meeting 4
Sasha voted
Lou voted
FeurFeur voted Vayne
Savyr voted FeurFeur

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Crewmate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : The Skeld Normal
Duration : 16:42
Date : 09/10/2023 20:55
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Vayne killed Hisa
action image Lawx reported Hisa
Meeting 1
Bananapute voted
Vayne voted
Lawx voted
Biotek2B voted
Sasha voted
Coolwile voted
Vik voted Vayne
Turn 2
action image Biotek2B tracked Vayne
action image Sacaraille killed Sasha
action image Lawx reported Sasha
Meeting 2
Bananapute voted
Vayne voted
Sacaraille voted
Lawx voted
Vik voted
Coolwile voted
Turn 3
action image Vayne killed FeurFeur
action image Coolwile reported FeurFeur
Meeting 3
Vayne voted
Biotek2B voted
Vik voted Biotek2B
action image Lobby exiled Biotek2B
Turn 4
action image Biotek2B killed as Hunter in meeting Vayne
action image Sacaraille killed Lawx
action image Bananapute reported Lawx
Meeting 4
Sacaraille voted
Coolwile voted
Vik voted Sacaraille
Turn 5
action image Bananapute called an emergency
Meeting 5
Sacaraille voted
Vik voted Sacaraille
action image Lobby exiled Sacaraille

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Submerged
Duration : 07:54
Date : 19/06/2023 22:30
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Deemons stopped time
action image Sacaraille used Sentinel's power
action image Deemons stopped time
action image Lawx killed Hikari
action image Sacaraille used Sentinel's power
action image Deemons stopped time
action image Lawx killed Deemons
action image Lou reported Hikari
Meeting 1
Vik voted
Lou voted
Sacaraille voted
Lawx voted
action image Sacaraille used Sentinel's power

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Detective [1 / 11]
Game : Normal
Map : Submerged
Duration : 07:31
Date : 19/06/2023 22:22
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Hisa scanned Hikari
action image Lawx used Detective's power
action image Lou used Sentinel's power
action image Hisa transformed itself Hikari
action image Hisa killed Lawx
action image Vik stopped time
action image Hisa killed Vik
action image Hisa transformed itself Hikari
action image Lou used Sentinel's power
action image Hisa killed Sacaraille
action image Lou reported Sacaraille
Meeting 1
action image Hikari redirected all votes to Deemons
Hikari voted Deemons
Hisa voted Deemons
Lou voted Deemons
action image Lobby exiled Deemons

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Submerged
Duration : 04:02
Date : 19/06/2023 22:17
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lou stopped time
action image Lawx killed Vik
action image Lou stopped time

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Dictator [6 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 06:37
Date : 19/06/2023 21:59
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Lawx disabled skip for next vote
action image Hisa used Sentinel's power
action image Hikari used camouflage power
action image Hisa used Sentinel's power
action image Hikari killed Hisa
action image Lawx reported Hisa
Meeting 1
Lawx voted Lawx
Deemons voted Lawx
Hikari voted Deemons
Vik voted Deemons
action image Lobby exiled Deemons

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Sentinel [6 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Normal
Duration : 12:26
Date : 19/06/2023 21:46
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sacaraille killed Lou
action image Hikari stopped time
action image Hikari reported Lou
Meeting 1
Lawx voted Hikari
Deemons voted
Hisa voted
Sacaraille voted
Vik voted Sacaraille
Turn 2
action image Lawx used Sentinel's power
action image Hisa shielded itself
action image Hikari stopped time
action image Vik used Detective's power
action image Lawx used Sentinel's power
action image Lawx reported Hikari
Meeting 2
Vik voted
Lawx voted
Sacaraille voted
Turn 3
action image Vik used Detective's power
action image Hisa shielded itself
action image Lawx used Sentinel's power
action image Sacaraille found first rune
action image Hisa shielded itself
action image Sacaraille killed Lawx
action image Sacaraille reported Lawx
Meeting 3
Vik voted
Deemons voted
Hisa voted
Sacaraille voted
Turn 4
action image Hisa shielded itself
action image Vik used Detective's power
action image Sacaraille found second rune


Achievements (1)

achievement Crewmate

Various stats

Body reported

6 / 16 games

Emergency called

0 / 16 games


0 / 16 games


71 / 95 tasks


10 / 14 games


3 / 2 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Crewmate

5 / 5 games

1. Sheriff

1 / 1 games

1. Engineer

1 / 1 games

1. Sentinel

1 / 1 games

2. Timelord

2 / 3 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Sorcerer

0 / 2 games

Best Neutral roles