



21 / 61 games


11 / 32 games


2 / 8 games


8 / 21 games


Winners : Outlaw
Role :
Hunter [2 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 06:39
Date : 24/04/2023 20:55
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Delvex scanned legjon
action image legjon tracked Qwick
action image IMIRR used Spy's power
action image wiksa shielded Hubi
action image Qwick repaired sabotage
action image Kruszym killed Qwick
action image Delvex killed IMIRR
action image wiksa reported IMIRR
Meeting 1
Sandwich voted
Delvex voted wiksa
Kruszym voted wiksa
Eybi voted Kruszym
wiksa voted Kruszym
Hubi voted Kruszym
legjon voted Kruszym
action image Lobby exiled Kruszym
Turn 2
action image Nariiko98 called an emergency
Meeting 2
action image Nariiko98 called an emergency as Mayor
wiksa voted Sandwich
Eybi voted legjon
Hubi voted legjon
action image Lobby exiled legjon
Turn 3
action image Hubi stopped time
action image Eybi killed as Outlaw Nariiko98
action image Hubi got denied by shield
action image Eybi killed as Outlaw wiksa
action image Hubi reported wiksa
Meeting 3
Hubi voted Eybi
Eybi voted Hubi

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Guardian [2 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 07:20
Date : 24/04/2023 20:46
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sandwich tracked wiksa
action image Kruszym chose to copy role of wiksa
action image Qwick killed ATM
action image Delvex repaired sabotage
action image Hubi killed Sandwich
action image legjon reported Sandwich
Meeting 1
action image Nariiko98 chose as lover Eybi
action image Nariiko98 chose as lover legjon
Eybi voted
Nariiko98 voted
Qwick voted
IMIRR voted
Delvex voted
legjon voted
Hubi voted
Kruszym voted
Turn 2
action image legjon shielded Eybi
action image Kruszym called an emergency
Meeting 2
action image Kruszym called an emergency as Mayor
Eybi voted NOTDAWIID
action image Lobby exiled NOTDAWIID
Turn 3
action image Eybi got denied by shield
action image Delvex repaired sabotage
action image Hubi killed legjon
action image Eybi died of heartache
action image Hubi became invisible
action image Qwick killed Nariiko98
action image Qwick used shadow power
action image IMIRR used Nightwatch's power
action image Hubi killed Delvex

Winners : Love
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 12:25
Date : 24/04/2023 20:33
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image ATM tracked Qwick
action image legjon chose to copy role of Nariiko98
action image Hubi engraved a mark on wiksa
action image Delvex killed NOTDAWIID
action image Eybi used Nightwatch's power
action image Delvex killed Eybi
action image Delvex found first rune
action image ATM reported NOTDAWIID
Meeting 1
action image Sandwich chose as lover wiksa
action image Sandwich chose as lover Hubi
IMIRR voted
ATM voted Delvex
wiksa voted Delvex
Qwick voted Delvex
legjon voted Delvex
Kruszym voted Delvex
Hubi voted Delvex
Delvex voted ATM
Sandwich voted ATM
action image Lobby exiled Delvex
Turn 2
action image ATM called an emergency
Meeting 2
IMIRR voted
wiksa voted
Kruszym voted
Nariiko98 voted
Sandwich voted ATM
Qwick voted ATM
legjon voted ATM
ATM voted Sandwich
Hubi voted Sandwich
Turn 3
action image Hubi reported Qwick
Meeting 3
IMIRR voted
wiksa voted
Kruszym voted
Nariiko98 voted
Hubi voted Sandwich
Sandwich voted IMIRR
Turn 4
action image wiksa killed as Outlaw Kruszym
action image legjon reported Kruszym
Meeting 4
Sandwich voted
IMIRR voted Sandwich
wiksa voted IMIRR
legjon voted IMIRR
Hubi voted IMIRR
action image Lobby exiled IMIRR
Turn 5
action image wiksa killed as Outlaw Nariiko98
action image wiksa killed as Outlaw legjon
action image Hubi reported legjon
Meeting 5
wiksa voted Sandwich
Hubi voted Sandwich
Sandwich voted wiksa
action image Lobby exiled Sandwich

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Fake [5 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 09:21
Date : 24/04/2023 20:22
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Delvex used Spy's power
action image NOTDAWIID used Fakekill
action image IMIRR chose as target Eybi
action image wiksa blocked a vent
action image IMIRR chose as target Delvex
action image Hubi killed Eybi
action image wiksa reported Eybi
Meeting 1
Nariiko98 voted
Hubi voted
ATM voted
IMIRR voted
legjon voted
Sandwich voted ATM
Turn 2
action image Sandwich used Nightwatch's power
action image Delvex used Spy's power
action image IMIRR chose as target Qwick
action image Hubi found first rune
action image wiksa blocked a vent
action image Hubi found second rune
action image Delvex called an emergency
Meeting 2
wiksa voted ATM
Delvex voted ATM
Qwick voted ATM
Hubi voted Delvex
Kruszym voted Delvex
ATM voted Delvex
IMIRR voted Delvex
legjon voted Delvex
action image Lobby exiled Delvex
Turn 3
action image Sandwich used Nightwatch's power
action image Hubi killed legjon
action image Hubi found third rune
action image Kruszym reported legjon
Meeting 3
ATM voted wiksa
wiksa voted ATM
Hubi voted ATM
Kruszym voted ATM
Qwick voted ATM
Sandwich voted Qwick
action image Lobby exiled ATM
Turn 4
action image Hubi found fourth rune
action image Sandwich used Nightwatch's power
action image Qwick repaired sabotage

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 11:57
Date : 24/04/2023 20:09
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Sandwich tracked Delvex
action image Hubi killed itself as Sheriff
action image Eybi reported Hubi
Meeting 1
Sandwich voted
wiksa voted
Eybi voted Sandwich
IMIRR voted Sandwich
action image Lobby exiled Sandwich
Turn 2
action image Sandwich killed as Hunter in meeting Delvex
action image Nariiko98 activated admin colors
action image ATM blocked a vent
action image Qwick used Nightwatch's power
action image Kruszym repaired sabotage
action image Qwick reported Kruszym
Meeting 2
Nariiko98 voted
wiksa voted
Qwick voted ATM
Eybi voted Qwick
ATM voted Qwick
legjon voted Qwick
action image Lobby exiled Qwick
Turn 3
action image ATM blocked a vent
action image Eybi created a warn area
action image wiksa killed Eybi
action image wiksa reported Eybi
Meeting 3
Nariiko98 voted
action image Lobby exiled NOTDAWIID
Turn 4
action image ATM blocked a vent
action image IMIRR called an emergency
Meeting 4
Nariiko98 voted
legjon voted
wiksa voted
IMIRR voted wiksa
ATM voted wiksa
Turn 5
action image legjon became an Impostor
action image legjon killed ATM

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Spirit [2 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 06:59
Date : 24/04/2023 20:01
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Kruszym scanned Nariiko98
action image ATM shielded legjon
action image legjon got denied by shield
action image Delvex tracked wiksa
action image IMIRR killed itself as Sheriff
action image Hubi reported IMIRR
Meeting 1
Eybi voted
legjon voted
ATM voted
Nariiko98 voted
Sandwich voted
wiksa voted wiksa
Delvex voted Qwick
Hubi voted ATM
Qwick voted ATM
Kruszym voted ATM
Turn 2
action image NOTDAWIID engraved a mark on Kruszym
action image Qwick became an Impostor
action image Qwick killed ATM
action image Sandwich repaired sabotage
action image Nariiko98 infected Hubi
action image Nariiko98 executed Hubi
action image Eybi reported ATM
Meeting 2
Delvex voted
Nariiko98 voted Eybi
Sandwich voted
Kruszym voted Delvex
Eybi voted Nariiko98
action image Lobby exiled Nariiko98
Turn 3
action image Qwick killed legjon
action image Sandwich repaired sabotage
action image Eybi killed as Outlaw Kruszym
action image Eybi killed as Outlaw Qwick
action image Qwick killed Eybi

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:32
Date : 24/04/2023 19:52
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Nariiko98 engraved a mark on NOTDAWIID
action image Eybi called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image Eybi called an emergency as Mayor
action image Kruszym chose as lover Eybi
action image Kruszym chose as lover ATM
Eybi voted
Nariiko98 voted
Sandwich voted
Kruszym voted
legjon voted
IMIRR voted
wiksa voted
ATM voted Eybi
NOTDAWIID voted Eybi
Hubi voted Hubi
Qwick voted Kruszym
Turn 2
action image Sandwich got recruited in culte legjon
action image Sandwich got recruited in culte NOTDAWIID
action image Hubi used Nightwatch's power
action image Qwick created a warn area
action image IMIRR infected NOTDAWIID
action image NOTDAWIID stopped time
action image IMIRR executed NOTDAWIID
action image Delvex killed Nariiko98
action image Delvex used shadow power
action image Eybi reported Nariiko98
Meeting 2
action image Nariiko98 engraved a mark on Delvex
action image The marks were activated
action image wiksa redirected all votes to Delvex
Eybi voted Delvex
Delvex voted Delvex
Qwick voted Delvex
Hubi voted Delvex
Kruszym voted Delvex
legjon voted Delvex
IMIRR voted Delvex
wiksa voted Delvex
ATM voted Delvex
action image Lobby exiled Delvex
Turn 3
action image Sandwich got recruited in culte Kruszym
action image Qwick created a warn area
action image IMIRR infected legjon
action image legjon became an Impostor
action image legjon killed IMIRR
action image Eybi died of heartache
action image wiksa reported Eybi
Meeting 3
Hubi voted Qwick
Qwick voted Hubi
Kruszym voted Hubi
legjon voted Hubi
wiksa voted legjon
action image Lobby exiled Hubi
Turn 4
action image legjon killed Qwick
action image wiksa reported Qwick
Meeting 4
wiksa voted legjon
Kruszym voted wiksa
legjon voted wiksa
action image Lobby exiled wiksa

Winners : Neutral , Impostors
Role :
Mayor [4 / 8]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 05:13
Date : 24/04/2023 19:46
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Hubi chose to copy role of wiksa
action image wiksa killed Kruszym
action image Sandwich reported Kruszym
Meeting 1
action image Sandwich redirected all votes to Qwick
legjon voted
Nariiko98 voted
wiksa voted
Hubi voted
Eybi voted Qwick
Sandwich voted Qwick
Qwick voted Qwick
Delvex voted Qwick
IMIRR voted Qwick
ATM voted Qwick
action image Lobby exiled Qwick
Turn 2
action image Delvex blocked a vent
action image Nariiko98 killed himself as Cultist
action image NOTDAWIID killed as Sheriff wiksa
action image ATM killed NOTDAWIID
action image Sandwich reported wiksa
Meeting 2
IMIRR voted Sandwich
ATM voted Sandwich
Hubi voted Sandwich
Eybi voted legjon
action image Lobby exiled Sandwich
Turn 3
action image Hubi killed IMIRR
action image Eybi repaired sabotage
action image Hubi killed legjon

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 12:32
Date : 24/04/2023 19:32
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image wiksa tracked legjon
action image ATM chose to copy role of legjon
action image Qwick created a warn area
action image Eybi used shadow power
action image Eybi killed legjon
action image Eybi created a vent
action image Nariiko98 reported legjon
Meeting 1
action image Hubi chose as lover wiksa
action image Hubi chose as lover Nariiko98
action image NOTDAWIID attempted to redirect all votes to Hubi
Eybi voted
wiksa voted
Nariiko98 voted
ATM voted
Hubi voted NOTDAWIID
action image Lobby exiled NOTDAWIID
Turn 2
action image wiksa tracked Eybi
action image Nariiko98 shielded Hubi
action image ATM killed as Sheriff Kruszym
action image ATM reported Kruszym
Meeting 2
Eybi voted
IMIRR voted
Sandwich voted
Qwick voted
Hubi voted
Nariiko98 voted
ATM voted
Delvex voted Delvex
wiksa voted ATM
Turn 3
action image ATM killed itself as Sheriff
action image Qwick reported ATM
Meeting 3
Eybi voted
IMIRR voted
Delvex voted Eybi
Sandwich voted
Qwick voted
Hubi voted Eybi
wiksa voted
Nariiko98 voted
Turn 4
action image Eybi created a vent
action image Qwick created a warn area
action image Eybi used shadow power
action image Eybi killed Delvex
action image Sandwich reported Delvex
Meeting 4
action image Qwick created a warn area
Eybi voted
IMIRR voted Eybi
Sandwich voted Eybi
Qwick voted
Hubi voted Eybi
wiksa voted
Nariiko98 voted
Turn 5
action image Hubi got denied by shield
action image Hubi called an emergency
Meeting 5
Eybi voted
IMIRR voted Eybi
Sandwich voted Eybi
Qwick voted Eybi
Hubi voted Eybi
wiksa voted Eybi
Nariiko98 voted Eybi
action image Lobby exiled Eybi

Winners : Jester
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 06:39
Date : 24/04/2023 19:25
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Eybi blocked a vent
action image Delvex created a warn area
action image wiksa infected Sandwich
action image NOTDAWIID got recruited in culte Eybi
action image wiksa executed Sandwich
action image Delvex created a warn area
action image Kruszym reported Sandwich
Meeting 1
Eybi voted
Nariiko98 voted
Qwick voted
wiksa voted
Kruszym voted
ATM voted
Delvex voted
Hubi voted
legjon voted
Turn 2
action image NOTDAWIID got recruited in culte Kruszym
action image Eybi blocked a vent
action image Hubi became an Impostor
action image Hubi killed Delvex
action image Hubi reported Delvex
Meeting 2
action image Nariiko98 redirected all votes to ATM
Eybi voted ATM
Nariiko98 voted ATM
Qwick voted ATM
wiksa voted ATM
Kruszym voted ATM
ATM voted ATM
Hubi voted ATM
legjon voted ATM
action image Lobby exiled ATM


Achievements (15)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Culte
achievement Survivor
achievement Sheriff
achievement Mercenary
achievement Builder
achievement Ghost

Various stats

Body reported

19 / 61 games

Emergency called

2 / 61 games


11 / 61 games


101 / 232 tasks


22 / 32 games


18 / 8 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 7 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Detective

1 / 1 games

1. Builder

1 / 1 games

1. Leader

1 / 1 games

2. Sheriff

2 / 4 games

2. Spirit

2 / 4 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Ghost

2 / 3 games

2. Vector

0 / 1 games

2. Morphling

0 / 1 games

2. Sorcerer

0 / 1 games

2. Guesser

0 / 1 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Cultist

1 / 1 games

2. Mercenary

4 / 5 games

3. Copycat

1 / 2 games

4. Survivor

1 / 3 games

5. Cupid

1 / 4 games