



883 / 1322 games


805 / 1032 games


73 / 232 games


5 / 58 games


Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Spirit [10 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 23:23
Date : 24/04/2024 22:54
Turn 1
action image Luigi chose to super petrify TataMymy
action image Aetera created a warn area
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image TataMymy used Sentinel's power
action image Matux killed TataMymy
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image Francky shielded Luigi
action image Banga reported TataMymy
Meeting 1
f voted
klinx voted
Banga voted
Francky voted
Ladrio voted
Turn 2
action image Luigi killed Crimness
action image Aetera created a warn area
action image Matux killed f
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image klinx reported f
Meeting 2
action image Banga redirected all votes to Luigi
klinx voted
Francky voted
Luigi voted Luigi
Banga voted Luigi
Aetera voted Luigi
Matux voted Luigi
Ladrio voted Luigi
action image Lobby exiled Luigi
Turn 3
action image klinx shielded itself
action image Matux killed Banga
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image Francky reported Banga
Meeting 3
Aetera voted Francky
klinx voted Ladrio
Matux voted Ladrio
Francky voted Ladrio
Ladrio voted Ladrio
action image Lobby exiled Ladrio
Turn 4
action image Ladrio revived
action image klinx shielded itself
action image Matux killed Aetera
action image Ladrio reported Aetera
Meeting 4
Francky voted Matux
Ladrio voted Matux
klinx voted Francky
Matux voted Francky
Turn 5
action image klinx shielded itself
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image klinx shielded itself
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image Francky called an emergency
Meeting 5
Ladrio voted klinx
Francky voted Matux
Matux voted Francky
klinx voted Ladrio
Turn 6
action image Matux killed Ladrio
action image Warn area was activated
action image klinx shielded itself
action image Matux used camouflage power
action image Matux reported Ladrio
Meeting 6
klinx voted Matux
Francky voted Matux
Matux voted Francky
action image Lobby exiled Matux

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Sentinel [1 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 07:39
Date : 24/04/2024 22:45
Turn 1
action image Luigi created a vent
action image Francky created a warn area
action image Crimness tracked Luigi
action image klinx killed Banga
action image Aetera shielded Luigi
action image Francky created a warn area
action image klinx killed Crimness
action image Francky reported Luigi
Meeting 1
Francky voted klinx
TataMymy voted klinx
Aetera voted klinx
Matux voted Aetera
klinx voted Aetera
f voted Aetera
Turn 2
action image f called an emergency
Meeting 2
Francky voted klinx
TataMymy voted klinx
Aetera voted klinx
klinx voted Aetera
f voted Aetera
action image Lobby exiled klinx

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Spirit [3 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 08:47
Date : 24/04/2024 22:34
Turn 1
action image Luigi tracked TataMymy
action image Crimness used Fakekill
action image TataMymy created a warn area
action image Francky shielded Emo
action image Emo killed Francky
action image f reported Francky
Meeting 1
action image Banga redirected all votes to Emo
klinx voted
Ladrio voted Emo
TataMymy voted Emo
Crimness voted Emo
Emo voted Emo
Banga voted Emo
Matux voted Emo
Aetera voted Emo
Luigi voted Emo
f voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled Emo
Turn 2
action image f shielded itself
action image TataMymy created a warn area
action image Aetera used shadow power
action image Aetera killed TataMymy
action image Luigi tracked Matux
action image Aetera killed Banga
action image Warn area was activated
action image klinx repaired sabotage
action image Matux reported Banga
Meeting 2
klinx voted
f voted
Luigi voted Luigi
Matux voted klinx
Aetera voted klinx
action image Lobby exiled klinx
Turn 3
action image Aetera killed f
action image Luigi reported f
Meeting 3
Aetera voted Matux
Matux voted Aetera
Luigi voted Aetera
action image Lobby exiled Aetera

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Engineer [11 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 17:51
Date : 24/04/2024 22:11
Turn 1
action image Luigi supershielded Emo
action image Banga created a warn area
action image Crimness used Fakekill
action image f killed Crimness
action image Warn area was activated
action image f reported Crimness
Meeting 1
Luigi voted
klinx voted
f voted
Emo voted f
Francky voted f
Banga voted f
TataMymy voted f
Ladrio voted f
Matux voted f
Aetera voted f
action image Lobby exiled f
Turn 2
action image Emo got denied by shield
action image Emo got denied by supershield
action image klinx chose to super petrify Emo
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image klinx killed Aetera
action image klinx killed Luigi
action image klinx killed TataMymy
action image Banga reported Luigi
Meeting 2
Francky voted
Ladrio voted
klinx voted
Matux voted Matux
Banga voted klinx
Turn 3
action image klinx killed Banga
action image Francky reported Banga
Meeting 3
Francky voted
klinx voted
Emo voted Ladrio
Ladrio voted Matux
Matux voted klinx
Turn 4
action image klinx chose to super petrify Francky
action image Emo got denied by supershield
action image klinx killed Matux
action image Emo reported Matux
Meeting 4
Emo voted
Ladrio voted
klinx voted Ladrio
Turn 5
action image Emo got denied by supershield
action image Francky killed as Sheriff klinx

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Mayor [2 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 04:57
Date : 24/04/2024 22:05
Turn 1
action image TataMymy created a warn area
action image klinx used Sentinel's power
action image Luigi created a vent
action image Luigi killed klinx
action image Banga reported klinx
Meeting 1
f voted
Luigi voted
Emo voted f
Francky voted Luigi
Matux voted Luigi
TataMymy voted Luigi
Banga voted Luigi
Crimness voted Luigi
Aetera voted Luigi
action image Lobby exiled Luigi
Turn 2
action image f tracked Emo
action image TataMymy created a warn area
action image Emo killed Banga
action image f reported Banga
Meeting 2
action image Francky redirected all votes to Emo
Francky voted Emo
Matux voted Emo
TataMymy voted Emo
Emo voted Emo
Crimness voted Emo
Aetera voted Emo
f voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled Emo

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 11:42
Date : 24/04/2024 21:51
Turn 1
action image Emo killed Crimness
action image Luigi created a warn area
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image Ladrio used Fakekill
action image Emo killed f
action image Emo used camouflage power
action image TataMymy killed Francky
action image Luigi reported f
Meeting 1
Ladrio voted
Aetera voted
Matux voted
Banga voted
Luigi voted Ladrio
klinx voted TataMymy
Emo voted Emo
TataMymy voted Luigi
Turn 2
action image Matux tracked Banga
action image TataMymy chose to super petrify Aetera
action image Banga shielded itself
action image klinx repaired sabotage
action image Luigi created a warn area
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image Emo killed Banga
action image TataMymy killed Luigi
action image Emo used camouflage power
action image Ladrio reported Luigi
Meeting 2
Matux voted TataMymy
Emo voted TataMymy
klinx voted TataMymy
TataMymy voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled TataMymy
Turn 3
action image Matux tracked Ladrio
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image Emo killed Matux
action image Matux killed as Hunter in round Ladrio
action image klinx reported Matux
Meeting 3
Aetera voted Emo
Emo voted Emo
klinx voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled Emo

Winners : Crewmates
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 12:47
Date : 24/04/2024 21:37
Turn 1
action image Aetera shielded Emo
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Luigi used Fakekill
action image Emo created a vent
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Ladrio used camouflage power
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Emo got denied by shield
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Emo killed Aetera
action image Luigi reported Aetera
Meeting 1
action image f redirected all votes to Luigi
klinx voted
f voted
Banga voted
Matux voted
Francky voted
Ladrio voted Luigi
Luigi voted Luigi
TataMymy voted Luigi
Emo voted Luigi
Crimness voted Luigi
Turn 2
action image TataMymy shielded itself
action image Ladrio killed Luigi
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Matux reported Luigi
Meeting 2
Ladrio voted
klinx voted
f voted
Emo voted
Matux voted
Crimness voted
Francky voted Emo
Banga voted Matux
TataMymy voted Matux
Turn 3
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Ladrio killed Crimness
action image Emo used shadow power
action image Emo created a vent
action image Ladrio used camouflage power
action image TataMymy shielded itself
action image Emo killed TataMymy
action image Francky reported TataMymy
Meeting 3
Ladrio voted
klinx voted
f voted
Matux voted
Banga voted Emo
Francky voted Emo
Emo voted Francky
Turn 4
action image Emo killed f
action image Banga used Sentinel's power
action image Ladrio used camouflage power

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 14:08
Date : 24/04/2024 21:22
Turn 1
action image Aetera shielded Ladrio
action image Luigi created a warn area
action image Ladrio chose to super petrify TataMymy
action image f used Sentinel's power
action image Matux became invisible
action image Matux killed f
action image Luigi created a warn area
action image Emo reported f
Meeting 1
Banga voted
Matux voted
Emo voted Ladrio
Luigi voted
klinx voted
Ladrio voted Luigi
Aetera voted Luigi
Francky voted Luigi
Turn 2
action image Banga tracked TataMymy
action image Francky shielded itself
action image Matux killed TataMymy
action image Ladrio killed Banga
action image Ladrio reported TataMymy
Meeting 2
Ladrio voted
Aetera voted
Emo voted
Luigi voted
klinx voted
Francky voted Matux
Matux voted Luigi
Turn 3
action image Francky shielded itself
action image Ladrio killed Luigi
action image Francky shielded itself
action image Ladrio chose to super petrify klinx
action image Matux killed klinx
action image Ladrio reported klinx
Meeting 3
Ladrio voted Matux
Aetera voted Matux
Emo voted Matux
Francky voted Matux
Matux voted Francky
action image Lobby exiled Matux
Turn 4
action image Francky shielded itself
action image Ladrio killed Francky
action image Ladrio killed Aetera

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Bait [4 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 09:28
Date : 24/04/2024 21:11
Turn 1
action image Ladrio created a warn area
action image f used Sentinel's power
action image TataMymy used camouflage power
action image TataMymy killed f
action image Aetera reported f
Meeting 1
Ladrio voted
Banga voted
TataMymy voted
Emo voted
klinx voted
Luigi voted
Francky voted
Aetera voted klinx
Turn 2
action image Ladrio created a warn area
action image Francky shielded itself
action image TataMymy used camouflage power
action image TataMymy killed Banga
action image Matux reported Banga
Meeting 2
TataMymy voted
Matux voted TataMymy
klinx voted TataMymy
Luigi voted TataMymy
Emo voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled TataMymy
Turn 3
action image Francky shielded itself
action image klinx killed Matux
action image Aetera reported Matux
Meeting 3
Emo voted Ladrio
klinx voted
Luigi voted
Ladrio voted Emo
Aetera voted klinx
Francky voted klinx
action image Lobby exiled klinx

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Dictator [4 / 10]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 15:42
Date : 24/04/2024 20:55
Turn 1
action image Francky created a warn area
action image Emo killed klinx
action image Ladrio reported klinx
Meeting 1
Ladrio voted
Emo voted
Banga voted
f voted
TataMymy voted
Aetera voted
Luigi voted
Matux voted Banga
Francky voted Banga
Turn 2
action image Francky created a warn area
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image f shielded itself
action image Emo chose to super petrify f
action image Luigi tracked TataMymy
action image Banga used camouflage power
action image Banga killed Francky
action image Emo killed Luigi
action image Ladrio reported TataMymy
Meeting 2
action image Ladrio redirected all votes to Emo
Ladrio voted Emo
Emo voted Emo
Banga voted Emo
Matux voted Emo
Aetera voted Emo
action image Lobby exiled Emo
Turn 3
action image f shielded itself
action image Banga killed Ladrio
action image Banga used camouflage power
action image Aetera used Sentinel's power
action image Matux reported Ladrio
Meeting 3
Banga voted
f voted
Matux voted Banga
Aetera voted Banga
Turn 4
action image Banga killed f
action image Matux reported f
Meeting 4
Matux voted Banga
Aetera voted Banga
Banga voted Matux
action image Lobby exiled Banga

Achievements (26)

achievement AlphaTest
achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Jester
achievement Assassin
achievement Scrambler
achievement Barghest
achievement Sheriff

Various stats

Body reported

395 / 1322 games

Emergency called

128 / 1322 games


148 / 1322 games


5611 / 9969 tasks


437 / 1032 games


435 / 232 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 8 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Mystic

75 / 90 games

1. Spirit

69 / 83 games

1. Lawkeeper

25 / 30 games

2. Spy

38 / 46 games

3. Engineer

82 / 101 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Basilisk

16 / 42 games

2. Guesser

9 / 24 games

3. Assassin

17 / 52 games

4. Scrambler

10 / 32 games

5. Ghost

12 / 39 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Outlaw

2 / 3 games

2. Eater

1 / 8 games

3. Jester

2 / 41 games

4. Arsonist

0 / 4 games

4. Cursed

0 / 2 games