



5 / 5 games


5 / 5 games


0 / 0 games


0 / 0 games


Winners : Crewmates , Neutral , Lover , Jester
Role :
Nightwatch [2 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 18:11
Date : 22/04/2023 20:21
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image NewPatrixx activated admin colors
action image Vestine shielded VenquYT
action image Belugajstr found first rune
action image BIALUGA used Nightwatch's power
action image Keendi used Fakekill
action image Turret created a warn area
action image Belugajstr found second rune
action image Asirra called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image Asirra chose as lover VenquYT
action image Asirra chose as lover Keendi
VenquYT voted
Keendi voted
Chipseq voted
Bober Doom voted
Vestine voted
Belugajstr voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Asirra voted
NewPatrixx voted
Xkrzys voted Vestine
Turn 2
action image Turret created a warn area
action image PolakYT reported BIALUGA
Meeting 2
VenquYT voted
Keendi voted
Chipseq voted
Bober Doom voted
Vestine voted
Belugajstr voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Asirra voted
Turn 3
action image Danix111 stopped time
action image Turret created a warn area
action image Keendi called an emergency
Meeting 3
VenquYT voted
Keendi voted
Bober Doom voted
Vestine voted
Turret voted
Danix111 voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Asirra voted
Turn 4
action image PolakYT killed vuvex
action image Turret reported vuvex
Meeting 4
VenquYT voted
Keendi voted
Bober Doom voted
Vestine voted
Turret voted
PolakYT voted
Turn 5
action image Danix111 stopped time
action image PolakYT killed Vestine
action image PolakYT shielded itself

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Teammate [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 15:17
Date : 22/04/2023 20:04
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Xkrzys activated admin colors
action image PolakYT tracked Danix111
action image Vestine killed as Sheriff Turret
action image Bober Doom used Nightwatch's power
action image Vestine reported Turret
Meeting 1
VenquYT voted
Keendi voted
Bober Doom voted
Asirra voted
Fizly voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Sandramce voted
Vestine voted
Turn 2
action image Keendi chose to copy role of Belugajstr
action image Belugajstr checked identity of PolakYT
action image Fizly killed Asirra
action image Sandramce used Spy's power
action image BIALUGA reported Asirra
Meeting 2
Keendi voted
Bober Doom voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Sandramce voted
Turn 3
action image PolakYT tracked Xkrzys
action image Bober Doom used Nightwatch's power
action image Chipseq killed Keendi
action image PolakYT reported Keendi
Meeting 3
Chipseq voted Xkrzys
Xkrzys voted Xkrzys
vuvex voted Xkrzys
PolakYT voted Xkrzys
action image Lobby exiled Xkrzys
Turn 4
action image Sandramce used Spy's power
action image Chipseq chose to prettify Belugajstr
action image PolakYT tracked Sandramce
action image Chipseq killed vuvex
action image Keendi shielded itself
action image Belugajstr reported vuvex
Meeting 4
Chipseq voted
action image Lobby exiled Chipseq

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Engineer [7 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Polus Challenger Nuclear
Duration : 19:35
Date : 22/04/2023 19:43
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Turret chose to copy role of Asirra
action image Fizly activated admin colors
action image Vestine called an emergency
Meeting 1
action image Vestine called an emergency as Mayor
action image Sandramce chose as lover PolakYT
action image Sandramce chose as lover Fizly
VenquYT voted
Vestine voted
Bober Doom voted
Asirra voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
Keendi voted
PolakYT voted
Sandramce voted
Xkrzys voted
Fizly voted
Turn 2
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image VenquYT shielded vuvex
action image Xkrzys got recruited in culte Chipseq
action image Asirra used Spy's power
action image vuvex got denied by shield
action image Danix111 checked identity of vuvex
action image vuvex killed Xkrzys
action image vuvex became invisible
action image Danix111 reported Xkrzys
Meeting 2
VenquYT voted
Vestine voted
Bober Doom voted
Asirra voted
Danix111 voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
Keendi voted
PolakYT voted
Sandramce voted
Fizly voted
Turn 3
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image BIALUGA repaired sabotage
action image Belugajstr used Nightwatch's power
action image Keendi killed Asirra
action image Turret used Spy's power
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image Keendi chose to prettify Belugajstr
action image vuvex became invisible
action image vuvex killed Danix111
action image Keendi killed Sandramce
action image Keendi reported Sandramce
Meeting 3
VenquYT voted
Chipseq voted
Vestine voted
Bober Doom voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
Keendi voted
PolakYT voted
Fizly voted
BIALUGA voted Keendi
Turn 4
action image Chipseq called an emergency
Meeting 4
VenquYT voted
Chipseq voted
Vestine voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
PolakYT voted
Fizly voted
Keendi voted Chipseq
BIALUGA voted vuvex
Turn 5
action image Keendi killed Fizly
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image Turret used Spy's power
action image vuvex killed Chipseq
action image vuvex became invisible
action image Turret reported Fizly
Meeting 5
VenquYT voted
Vestine voted
Bober Doom voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
Keendi voted
PolakYT voted
BIALUGA voted vuvex
Turn 6
action image Keendi killed VenquYT
action image BIALUGA repaired sabotage
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image vuvex killed PolakYT
action image vuvex became invisible
action image Turret reported VenquYT
Meeting 6
vuvex voted
Keendi voted Vestine
Vestine voted Keendi
Turret voted Keendi
BIALUGA voted Keendi
action image Lobby exiled Keendi
Turn 7
action image Bober Doom shielded itself
action image vuvex killed Belugajstr
action image vuvex became invisible
action image BIALUGA repaired sabotage
action image Turret used Spy's power

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Dictator [0 / 7]
Game : Normal
Map : Submerged
Duration : 01:49
Date : 22/04/2023 19:36
Mod : Challenger
win Danix111 | Sheriff
win Chipseq | Hunter
win Vestine | Mayor
win Keendi | Nightwatch
win Bober Doom | Mentalist
win VenquYT | Teammate
win PolakYT | Teammate
Xkrzys | Jester
Belugajstr | Cursed
Sandramce | Assassin
Hornet | Basilisk
Turn 1
action image Chipseq tracked Vestine
action image Sandramce killed Xkrzys
action image vuvex reported Xkrzys
Meeting 1
action image BIALUGA attempted to redirect all votes to Bober Doom

Winners : Crewmates , Neutral
Role :
Engineer [2 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Challenger
Duration : 18:36
Date : 12/04/2023 20:13
Mod : Challenger
win MemberMabe | Sheriff
win Chipseq | Timelord
win Bober Doom | Spirit
win VenquYT | Mayor
win Kryhaaak | Nightwatch
win Kornel | Lawkeeper
win Vestine | Copycat
PolakYT | Cultist
wojtekarmy | Arsonist
Prith | Morphling
tytalant | Scrambler
Asirra | Sorcerer
Turn 1
action image Prith scanned wojtekarmy
action image Vestine chose to copy role of Prith
PolakYT cultist_fail
action image Chipseq stopped time
action image Turret used Spy's power
action image tytalant used camouflage power
action image Kryhaaak used Nightwatch's power
action image Prith killed VenquYT
action image vuvex tracked wojtekarmy
action image PolakYT got recruited in culte Turret
action image Bober Doom reported VenquYT
Meeting 1
action image PolakYT killed himself as Cultist
Asirra voted
MemberMabe voted
Kornel voted
Kryhaaak voted
Vestine voted
wojtekarmy voted
tytalant voted
Turn 2
action image Asirra found first rune
action image tytalant used camouflage power
action image tytalant killed Chipseq
action image Kryhaaak used Nightwatch's power
action image MemberMabe reported Chipseq
Meeting 2
Asirra voted
MemberMabe voted
Prith voted
Kornel voted
Kryhaaak voted
Bober Doom voted
Vestine voted
wojtekarmy voted
Turret voted
vuvex voted
Turn 3
action image tytalant used camouflage power
action image Asirra found second rune
action image Prith killed vuvex
action image tytalant killed Vestine
Meeting 3
tytalant voted
Kornel voted Prith
Kryhaaak voted Prith
Turret voted Prith
action image Lobby exiled Prith
Turn 4
action image tytalant used camouflage power
action image tytalant killed Kornel
action image Asirra found third rune
action image Kryhaaak used Nightwatch's power
action image tytalant called an emergency
action image Lobby exiled tytalant
Turn 5
action image Turret used Spy's power
action image Asirra found fourth rune
action image Asirra destroyed admin table
Meeting 5
Kryhaaak voted
Bober Doom voted
Turret voted
Asirra voted Turret
Turn 6
action image Turret used Spy's power
action image Asirra killed Turret
action image Bober Doom reported Turret
Meeting 6
Asirra voted
action image Lobby exiled Asirra


Achievements (5)

achievement Crewmate
achievement Dictator
achievement Engineer
achievement Nightwatch
achievement Teammate

Various stats

Body reported

1 / 5 games

Emergency called

0 / 5 games


0 / 5 games


18 / 28 tasks


1 / 5 games


0 / 0 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Engineer

2 / 2 games

1. Nightwatch

1 / 1 games

1. Dictator

1 / 1 games

1. Teammate

1 / 1 games

Best Impostor roles

Best Neutral roles