



118 / 203 games


111 / 154 games


7 / 35 games


0 / 14 games


Winners : Impostors
Role :
Mentalist [0 / 4]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 01:55
Date : 04/02/2023 23:41
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Clo activated admin colors
action image thowa5 killed MonstiKee
action image Clo reported MonstiKee
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Asman
action image thowa5 killed Clo

Winners : Crewmates , Culte
Role :
Guardian [1 / 4]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 03:21
Date : 04/02/2023 23:37
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Clo shielded MonstiKee
action image Asman killed Clo
action image Eathylik reported Clo
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Eathylik
action image DrAndross got recruited in culte MonstiKee
action image Asman killed MonstiKee
action image DrAndross got recruited in culte thowa5
action image Asman used shadow power
action image TrynaJune reported MonstiKee
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled TrynaJune

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 05:25
Date : 04/02/2023 23:31
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Asman got recruited in culte Eathylik
action image MonstiKee shielded DrAndross
action image Eathylik created a warn area
action image DrAndross got denied by shield
action image Asman got recruited in culte DrAndross
action image Clo killed Eathylik
action image Clo chose to super petrify Asman
action image Clo reported Eathylik
Turn 2
action image Asman got recruited in culte thowa5
action image DrAndross tracked Asman
action image Clo chose to super petrify Asman
action image thowa5 repaired sabotage
action image thowa5 called an emergency
Turn 3
action image TrynaJune killed as Sheriff Clo

Winners : Crewmates
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 05:07
Date : 04/02/2023 23:25
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Clo scanned DrAndross
action image Eathylik activated admin colors
action image Asman tracked thowa5
action image Clo transformed itself DrAndross
action image Clo killed DrAndross
action image Eathylik reported DrAndross
Turn 2
action image MonstiKee disabled skip for next vote
action image Clo scanned Eathylik
action image Clo transformed itself Eathylik
action image Clo killed thowa5
action image TrynaJune eat a body
action image Asman tracked MonstiKee
action image Clo killed MonstiKee
action image Asman reported MonstiKee
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled Clo

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Spirit [0 / 0]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 00:59
Date : 04/02/2023 23:23
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image TrynaJune shielded Eathylik
action image Asman got recruited in culte DrAndross
action image thowa5 infected Asman
action image thowa5 executed Asman
action image TrynaJune reported Asman

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Lawkeeper [2 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 02:57
Date : 04/02/2023 23:19
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image MonstiKee killed Asman
action image DrAndross shielded MonstiKee
action image Erkaos infected thowa5
action image Clo reported Asman
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled MonstiKee
action image Erkaos infected Clo
action image Erkaos executed Clo
action image TrynaJune reported Clo
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled Erkaos

Winners : Impostors
Role :
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 04:15
Date : 04/02/2023 23:13
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image MonstiKee activated admin colors
action image Erkaos shielded DrAndross
action image thowa5 got recruited in culte Eathylik
action image Eathylik used Spy's power
action image Clo became invisible
action image Clo killed Asman
action image Erkaos reported Asman
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled thowa5
action image MonstiKee activated admin colors
action image DrAndross oiled Clo
action image Clo became invisible
action image Clo killed Eathylik
action image Clo became invisible
action image Clo killed Erkaos
action image Clo became invisible
action image Clo killed MonstiKee

Winners : Eater
Role :
Sentinel [5 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 05:53
Date : 04/02/2023 23:06
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image DrAndross tracked Asman
action image Clo used Sentinel's power
action image Asman killed DrAndross
action image TrynaJune killed magic
action image Erkaos eat a body
action image Clo used Sentinel's power
action image Eathylik activated admin colors
action image Clo reported magic
Turn 2
action image Clo used Sentinel's power
action image thowa5 shielded itself
action image MonstiKee oiled Clo
action image Eathylik activated admin colors
action image Clo used Sentinel's power
action image Clo used Sentinel's power
action image thowa5 shielded itself
action image TrynaJune killed Clo
action image TrynaJune became invisible
action image Erkaos eat a body

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Informant [2 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 03:59
Date : 04/02/2023 23:02
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image SquidOx tracked magic
action image Erkaos infected Asman
action image Erkaos executed Asman
action image Clo reported Asman
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled Erkaos
action image thowa5 got recruited in culte Clo
action image Clo reported magic
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled TrynaJune

Winners : Crewmates
Role :
Engineer [3 / 6]
Game : Normal
Map : Mira Normal
Duration : 05:17
Date : 04/02/2023 22:56
Mod : Challenger
Turn 1
action image Asman got recruited in culte Clo
action image MonstiKee tracked Clo
action image DrAndross activated admin colors
action image Asman got recruited in culte DrAndross
action image Asman got recruited in culte thowa5
action image Clo repaired sabotage
action image MonstiKee reported DrAndross
Turn 2
action image Lobby exiled TrynaJune
action image SquidOx created a warn area
action image magic used shadow power
action image magic killed Erkaos
action image SquidOx reported Erkaos
Turn 3
action image Lobby exiled magic


Achievements (18)

achievement Impostor
achievement Crewmate
achievement Sheriff
achievement Informant
achievement Builder
achievement Ghost
achievement Guesser
achievement Mayor

Various stats

Body reported

56 / 203 games

Emergency called

11 / 203 games


32 / 203 games


808 / 1327 tasks


74 / 154 games


65 / 35 games

Best Crewmate, Impostor and Neutral roles are updated within 10 minutes.

Last update: 0 minutes

Best Crewmate roles

1. Nightwatch

2 / 2 games

1. Informant

3 / 3 games

1. Fake

1 / 1 games

2. Lawkeeper

10 / 11 games

3. Spy

11 / 13 games

Best Impostor roles

1. Morphling

1 / 3 games

1. Ghost

2 / 6 games

2. Barghest

1 / 4 games

3. Assassin

1 / 5 games

3. Guesser

1 / 5 games

Best Neutral roles

1. Cultist

0 / 2 games

1. Jester

0 / 10 games

1. Eater

0 / 2 games